Eiza Gonzalez Almost Quit Everything After Losing Roles for Being ‘Too Beautiful’

Eiza Gonzalez Almost Quit Everything After Losing Roles for Being ‘Too Beautiful’
Eiza Gonzalez Almost Quit Everything After Losing Roles for Being ‘Too Beautiful’

Some actors go to great lengths to embody a character in a film or television series. For Mexican actress Eiza González, she considered radically altering her appearance to land a role.

A beauty who played tricks on him

Eiza González, 34, recently told InStyle, “I remember being turned down for a lot of projects because they were like, ‘She’s too pretty for the part. She’s too sexy for the part.’ And I was like, ‘What about Margot Robbie? She’s the most beautiful, sexy woman I’ve ever seen!'”

This situation plunged Eiza into a real identity crisis. She wondered: “Do I shave my head? Do I make myself less attractive? Should I dress more or less sexy?”

A fight against stereotypes

Often described as “sexy” because of the characters she’s played in films like “Baby Driver” and “From Dusk Till Dawn,” González firmly rejects the label. “I think it’s an overly sexualized view of Latina women. It’s so disappointing and pathetic.”

She explains that breaking free from this categorization was “the biggest challenge of my career.” Unlike her white friends in the industry, she was the only one facing this problem.

Difficult beginnings in Mexico

Ironically, Eiza experienced the opposite in Mexico during her youth as an actress and singer. The media criticized her appearance as not being pretty enough. As a teenager, she struggled with eating disorders, exacerbated by paparazzi who photographed her on the beach, highlighting her imperfections. “It was the most terrifying time of my life,” she confides.

An unwavering passion for his art

Despite these difficulties, Eiza has always found refuge in her love for her profession. “Whenever I was acting, singing or on stage, I felt more alive than ever. » She accepts the fear inherent in her career, even finding it “friendly”.

See the glass half full

Joking that she has lived many lives, Eiza prefers to look on the bright side. “Whenever something tragic happens to me, I never complain. Because every time, something amazing happens right after.”

Eiza González perfectly illustrates the unique challenges faced by actresses in the film industry, particularly those from minorities. Despite the obstacles, she remains determined to pursue her passion and break stereotypes, proving that resilience and love for her art can overcome many challenges.



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