Cyril Lignac, his son Léo is celebrating his 2nd birthday! Rare photos of the little blondie for his birthday, the entire family

Cyril Lignac, his son Léo is celebrating his 2nd birthday! Rare photos of the little blondie for his birthday, the entire family
Cyril Lignac, his son Léo is celebrating his 2nd birthday! Rare photos of the little blondie for his birthday, the entire family

When it comes to talking about his professional projects or his career in the kitchen, Cyril Lignac is never the last. He will also soon be back in the new season of Best pastry chef broadcast from September on M6. And if he has formed a shock team with Mercotte for several years now, the duo is preparing to welcome Laëtitia Milot to their team. The former actress of More beautiful life has been chosen to succeed Marie Portolano as host of the show. While waiting for the big return of the program, Cyril Lignac will enjoy his summer.

The one who opened an establishment in the city of Saint-Tropez will certainly keep an eye on his store but above all will spend some quality time with his family and especially Déborah, his partner, with whom he was recently seen in the stands of Roland-Garros, as well as Léo, their son of just two years old.

This Saturday, June 29, Cyril Lignac revealed photos of cakes on his Instagram account. If such clichés are not surprising for the pastry chef, these cakes have a more particular flavor than all the others since they are those chosen for celebrate Leo’s second birthday. For the occasion, the chef and his partner invited friends and family for a day full of joy and happiness. As treats: a chocolate and marshmallow teddy bear as well as three cakes made from meringue and red fruits in the shape of letters, making up the first name Léo.

In addition to these magnificent creations that we imagine created by Cyril Lignac, we can see the star of the day, an adorable blond, playing in a garden and trying to score basketball hoops with a soccer ball. In his Instagram story (see our slideshow), Cyril Lignac also revealed a photo of him and little Léo tenderly nestled in his arms, reunited in the middle of a party with the beautiful Déborah.

A grand birthday

It is rare for Cyril Lignac to confide in his private life, but he clearly made an exception to celebrate his son’s second birthday. The clan celebrated this milestone surrounded by their closest friends and family. Around a gigantic paella that Cyril Lignac’s father masterfully managed, other guests were also present to enjoy the sun and moments with loved ones over a good meal and a few games of pétanque. Absolutely perfect quality time to recharge your batteries as you should before going back to school!



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