“I made a lot of mistakes”: Zac Efron speaks without filter about his fight against his addictions

“I made a lot of mistakes”: Zac Efron speaks without filter about his fight against his addictions
“I made a lot of mistakes”: Zac Efron speaks without filter about his fight against his addictions

Zac Efron is undoubtedly experiencing one of the best moments of his career. After starring in the highly acclaimed Iron Clawthe actor has just landed on Netflix with The Underneath of the Family, a romantic comedy which also stars Nicole Kidman and Joey King.

Despite all his successes, what many don’t know is that Zac Efron’s journey in the film industry hasn’t always been easy. During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he admitted that he went through a difficult time due to alcohol and drug addiction. He also spoke without filter about his addictions.

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I drank a lot

I drank a lot. Too much. It’s never something specific. You’re 20, you’re single, you live in Hollywood… You know? You know, you have everything at your disposal. But I wouldn’t change anything. I had to learn from everything I did. At the very least, I would say, “It’s been an interesting journey” he explained.

It is worth remembering that at the time the star played the role of Troy Bolton, the protagonist of the famous teenage franchise High School Musical, who could make a comeback. Along the way, Zac Efron had to join Alcoholics Anonymous and undergo counseling sessions to overcome his addiction, which besides alcohol also included cocaine.

No matter who you are, growing up, you face challenges. But it’s particularly humiliating when they turn out to be so public and so critical. When you become successful so young and you accept the good things, you have to accept everything. You have to accept moments of glory, but also great responsibility. And that responsibility, to some extent, involves being a role model. At the same time, I’m a human being and I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I learned from each of them“, did he declare.

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Article written in collaboration with our colleagues from I love cinema.

