“More than he can admit…”, this is the reason why he cut ties with Harry

“More than he can admit…”, this is the reason why he cut ties with Harry
“More than he can admit…”, this is the reason why he cut ties with Harry

Ingrid Seward, specialist in British royalty, gave an interview to Mirror. She explains that stability is essential for William. “He is sensitive, he likes structure and perseverance. He does not give up easily. His relationship with his brother has affected him more than he admitsbut he found it easier to cut ties than to endure constant annoyances.“, she explains. The past year has been particularly difficult for William. His father battled cancer, Kate Middleton underwent serious abdominal surgery followed by treatment for the same illness. The prince had to play a supporting role to his children and the queen in the absence of his ill father.The traumas of the past year have made him a stronger person“, poursuit Ingrid Seward. “He became the man Diana always hoped he would be: kind, caring and able to face any hardship.

A widening gap between Prince William and Prince Harry

Officially, it is unknown when the two brothers last spoke to each other. During an interview in January 2023, Harry told 60 Minutes : “Currently, no. But I hope… I hope we can find peace again.” Asked about the duration of their radio silence, he admitted: “It’s been a while. A good moment.“Despite the tensions, there is still hope for reconciliation.”Deep down, there is a family, it is (…)

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