Julian Assange free, he falls into the arms of his wife: who is Stella, the mother of his children whom he married in prison?

Julian Assange free, he falls into the arms of his wife: who is Stella, the mother of his children whom he married in prison?
Julian Assange free, he falls into the arms of his wife: who is Stella, the mother of his children whom he married in prison?

This is a huge victory for Julian Assange and his many supporters. For a few hours now, the famous Australian whistleblower has finally been free after reaching an agreement with the American justice system, which has been tracking him for years. Prosecuted for publishing hundreds of thousands of confidential American documents, the computer scientist has agreed to plead guilty before a court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US territory in the Pacific. “You will be able to walk out of this courtroom a free man.”declared Judge Ramona V. Manglona, ​​thus recording the good news for the man who spent five years in the high security Belmarsh prison in London.

Immediately after this judgment, Julian Assange left the federal court in Saipan to take the first plane to Canberra, Australia. Upon his arrival, the WikiLeaks founder was able to meet up with the woman who has shared his life for several years now, as we could see on social networks. The Australian is in a relationship and married to Stella Morris, who has since become Stella Assange, who was previously his lawyer. The two lovebirds met at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in the 2010s and together, they had two children, Gabriel and Maxwhose existence was hidden until early April 2020.

A high-profile prison wedding

The wedding of Julian Assange and Stella Morris took place in March 2022 at Belmarsh Prison and the media were in attendance. The whistleblower’s wife is born in Johannesburg, South Africa, of a Spanish mother and a Swedish father, both anti-apartheid activists. Subsequently, she became a lawyer and in 2011, she joined the defense team of the man who would become her husband 11 years later. “I just want him to come home, heal, enjoy our children and reconnect with nature, which he has been deprived of for a decade”, she confided in 2021, when her husband’s situation was becoming desperate, particularly due to the Covid epidemic. His wish has now been granted!

Now free, Julian Assange was able to reunite with his wife and their two children in Australia. A new life begins for the lovers, who will finally be able to enjoy a little calm after an intense storm.



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