Justine, the maestro of Don’t forget the lyrics, wants to get engaged, Nagui intervenes on air

Justine, the maestro of Don’t forget the lyrics, wants to get engaged, Nagui intervenes on air
Justine, the maestro of Don’t forget the lyrics, wants to get engaged, Nagui intervenes on air

This Tuesday, June 25, Justine, currently maestro in Do not forget the lyrics, expressed his desire to get engaged. Nagui then intervened on the air to send a message to William, the candidate’s companion.

Ten days already that Justine has been roaming the set of Do not forget the lyrics on France 2. This teacher with standard knowledge manages to string together victories. This Tuesday, June 25, the young woman won a twentieth at the end of the first broadcast. A symbolic accomplishment for this travel enthusiast who, in addition to relaxing in Brittany with her grandmother Danielle soon, will be able to enjoy a week of thalassotherapy in Arcachon as a couple. A good place to get married, or at least think about doing so, as Nagui says on air.

Justine (Do not forget the lyrics) teased by Nagui about her size difference with her companion

While Justine chose the 50-point Claudio Capéo theme, two suggestions from the singer’s discography were displayed on the screen: The hand et Standing man, the second title that the Maestro preferred to perform. But before she sings the emblematic song of the ex-candidate of The VoiceNagui made a very subtle connection between these two pieces and the sentimental situation of the mother of the family: “The hand where William didn’t make the request! It’s still waiting for his request. A standing man is a leaning man William because he’s how tall…”. The candidate in a civil partnership with a boy who stood about thirty centimeters taller than her then indicated: “I’m 1.57m tall, so I ask him if the weather is nice up there, very often”. The facilitator therefore reminds him: “All he has to do is kneel down in front of you.”

Nagui (Do not forget the lyrics) sends a message to Justine’s partner, who would like to get engaged

Far from being bothered by this suggestion, Justine confesses in a desperate tone to Nagui: “I’m waiting, tell him!”. That was all it took for Mélanie Page’s husband to send a very straightforward message to the young man he doesn’t know: “William, make the request!”. In addition, the one who is well on her way to having a place in the 2024 Masters would like to cross Europe in a van but above all go to the other side of the world, more precisely to Tahiti. Dreams that will surely come true thanks to the 54,000 euros she has already won.



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