“I think I screwed up”: Inès Reg talks about her role in the clash with Natasha St-Pier in Dancing with the Stars (but doesn’t apologize)

“I think I screwed up”: Inès Reg talks about her role in the clash with Natasha St-Pier in Dancing with the Stars (but doesn’t apologize)
“I think I screwed up”: Inès Reg talks about her role in the clash with Natasha St-Pier in Dancing with the Stars (but doesn’t apologize)

It’s been two months since the final of Dance with the stars has aired, but the show continues to be talked about. Or at least, the clash between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier, who hosted the show’s backstage this year, continues to inflame discussions.

And after Laurent Ournac – former host of VALLEY, who gave her opinion on the controversy, today it is Inès Reg who returned to it again. However, there is no question for the comedian – who has just ended his collaboration with TF1, to apologize for his innuendoes against the Quebec singer or to reach out to her after their argument.

Inès Reg’s regret over her clash with Natasha St-Pier

At the microphone of Speciesthe actress – currently starring in the film The Infallibles (Prime Video), simply expressed her regret for having contributed to the bad buzz that surrounded her by speaking out publicly on the subject. Even if her speaking out seemed inevitable given the rumors in the press about this clash, “I started receiving a lot of death threats.because it had started to headline crazy things“, she now realizes that her words only amplified the toxicity surrounding the show.

I think I messed up. (…) From the moment I talk about it, I make it a subjectshe breathed. So as long as I didn’t talk about it and it was only in the media, I didn’t take into account this group of people who insulted me, I think it could have slippedr.“And to add, dejected: “That’s where my mistake is. I think I contributed to my bad buzz. (…) I could have done without it anyway.

It remains to be seen whether she is ready to completely turn the page and forget this chapter of her career or whether, on the contrary, she intends to take advantage of her next show to come back to it, in her own way…



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