Culture. “When we do things with love, it becomes a way of living”, for Yuri Buenaventura

Culture. “When we do things with love, it becomes a way of living”, for Yuri Buenaventura
Culture. “When we do things with love, it becomes a way of living”, for Yuri Buenaventura

DWhile waiting to discover his new record, “Amame”, at the beginning of September, Yuri Buenaventura makes his return to the stages of France, like his concert announced for this Friday July 5, 2024, from 8 p.m., in the Tube room in Seignosse.

Did you miss the stage?

It’s been a few years since I was able to perform in France, with the exception of a few concerts like the one at the Olympia, on June 29, 2023. That doesn’t mean I remained without doing anything ( laughs).

What have you done ?

Since 2019, I have been involved in a social project in Colombia, through the creation of a foundation. Its goal is to support artistic creation. In Latin American countries, culture is seriously lacking in support. We therefore began to work on the question of copyright, French style, rather than American copyright, with conferences given by members of the Association of Authors-Composers of France.

Today, we have 120 emerging artists supported by the foundation, with the production of an album, a music video and legal training.

Between you and France, is it like the song “La Historia de un amor”?

“Como no hay otra igual!” » (lyrics of this song, Editor’s note) It was France that allowed me to do all this, to enter the recording industry after having started playing in the metro, the streets and bars of Paris, where I came to study economics at Paris-Nanterre. If it worked between the two of us, I tell myself that it is thanks to the love for this country that my father gave me, by introducing me to French literature and French history as a child.

Do you smile at life to make fun of the difficulties of the times?

Smiling is the only way to move forward in life. Otherwise, bitterness prevails. There are three elements that are very important to me. First of all, faith, that is to say, believing. Then, hope: for me it means being able to convince yourself that whatever the situation, something positive will eventually happen. And the third is love. When you do things with love, it becomes a way of life. You are interested in others, you want to defend values, this gives you strength and confidence to continue.

“Organic music, with its frequencies, is for me the only one capable of transmitting the truth of emotions”

Does salsa mean playing live, with an orchestra?

Organic music, with its frequencies, is for me the only one capable of transmitting the truth of emotions. We must defend this, even if society seems to get used to music becoming entertainment – ​​like the American show – rather than a cultural act.

It even becomes a farce: a singer loses his microphone on stage, we continue to hear his voice, but no one reacts. No one is shocked by the playback anymore. This does not prevent you from having a career. We come to artificial music, made by an auto-tune application which produces what we ask of it.

And the tempo of the music which accelerates, what do you think?

This corresponds to what we were forced to experience during the Covid pandemic. In two years, we have jumped a decade, like a dress rehearsal of what the global exploitation of a weakened Humanity will be. Having social connections where we see each other, feel each other, touch each other, has suddenly become something we can do without.

While we were able to measure how fragile our lives are, we were also able to see how dependent we were on new technologies. It’s worrying, of course, but I remain convinced that Humanity, although a little naive, will eventually understand that the system is making fun of it.

Entrances on sale at 36 euros and 39 euros (seated). Free placement.



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