American singer Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving: News

American singer Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving: News
American singer Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving: News

The 43-year-old artist was arrested for drunk driving on Monday, June 17, in New York State (United States), indicates the Associated Press. He has since been released.

Famous American artist Justin Timberlake was arrested for drunk driving on the evening of Monday, June 17 (local time), in Long Island, New York, reports the American news agency Associated Press (AP). Aged 43, the singer is particularly known for having been a member of the group NSYNC, active in the 1990s. He is said to have run a stop sign, then failed the police alcohol test. The singer was then released, says TMZ.

Arrested in the village of Sag Harbor, a frequent destination for celebrities, Justin Timberlake was going to a friend’s house when he was arrested, and was leaving from a dinner, specifies the American magazine People. Neither he nor his entourage had yet reacted to the information on the afternoon of Tuesday June 18.

A world tour and dates in France planned

This offense does not come at the most opportune moment for the interpreter of “Cry Me A River“, who began a world tour at the end of April, on the occasion of the release of his sixth album, “Everything I Thought It Wass”. He even has to give concerts in Chicago and New York, at Madison Square Garden. The artist from Tennessee must also go to France for two concerts in Lyon (Rhône), at the beginning of September.

published on June 18 at 4:40 p.m., Emmanuel Davila, 6Medias




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