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this habit of Jean-Luc Reichmann which bothers Jessica, Émilien’s partner (“Les 12 coups de midi”)

this habit of Jean-Luc Reichmann which bothers Jessica, Émilien’s partner (“Les 12 coups de midi”)
this habit of Jean-Luc Reichmann which bothers Jessica, Émilien’s partner (“Les 12 coups de midi”)

Candidate since September 2023, Émilien is still at the top of the 12 coups de midi rankings. At only 21 years old, he is now crowned the greatest Midday Master, ahead of Bruno Hourcade, and has thus become the greatest champion of televised games in France. For many months, the history student – forced to put his studies aside in order to continue his rise in the game – has continued to amaze Jean-Luc Reichmann and viewers. And despite an exceptional prize pool, now amounting to more than 1,088,471 euros, Émilien loses none of his humility. Somewhat impressed by this astronomical sum won, the young man prefers to keep his head on his shoulders and continue his life normally, even if he now allows himself some small pleasures, such as selecting branded products at the supermarket! A changed life for him and his partner Jessica, who is also having a little trouble getting used to her recent notoriety.

As is often the case, Émilien’s girlfriend, Jessica, was present on the film set of 12 coups de midi on Wednesday June 12, 2024. Proud of her darling, the young woman does not hesitate to travel between Toulouse – where she lives with Émilien – and Paris to encourage her other half. Something she does with pleasure even if it requires effort, because she is not used to exposing herself. Discreet and rather shy, the young woman prefers to stay in the shadow of her champion. An opinion (…)

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