“I have a big problem”: Lola Dewaere talks about this addiction that she does not intend to give up

“I have a big problem”: Lola Dewaere talks about this addiction that she does not intend to give up
“I have a big problem”: Lola Dewaere talks about this addiction that she does not intend to give up

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Last year, in an exclusive interview given to the site Tele-LeisureLola Dewaere – to be found this evening on France 3 in the TV film The village of the sleeping – spoke openly about this habit that she has developed and which she can no longer do without: “Being active on the networks allows me to have contact, to build a bond with the people who follow me, and that is super important for me. I don’t do it at all for the sake of notoriety or to have people under my thumb.

The approach is therefore natural and sincere. But the one who is in a relationship with a man far from being unknown to the public was obliged to recognize that she had developed a real addiction: “I’m having a little too much fun, when I wake up at 3 a.m., repost a photo in the middle of the night, that sucks…and I wake up with suitcases in front of me the next day… no, I’m going too far. I admit, I have a little problem with social networks… a big one. It’s very addictive!

So could it be time for her to reduce her consumption of social networks? “For now, I like it. It makes me feel good !”, she replied without tongue in cheek to the magazine, where others would no doubt have explained that they are going to make an effort but without really believing in it. Lola Dewaere therefore at least has the merit of being frank, and it is also a character trait that sticks to her.

Lola Dewaere cash on her father

Indeed, this is not the first time that she has said out loud what one might think quietly. We remember in particular this interview given to Here isin which she admitted without much problem to having used her famous surname to try to land roles more quickly: “We’re not going to lie, I told myself that things would go faster for me if my name was Dewaere. After all, he owed me that, my father (Patrick, editor’s note).”

As a reminder, Lola Dewaere was recently featured in the latest TF1 event series, Miss Holmes. She achieved a certain notoriety by winning the César for Most Promising Actress in 2013 for Gosh !, before making an impression in the series Astrid and Raphaëlleon France 2.



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