Simon Castaldi arrives at Bastos to settle scores, video leaked: “I will bleed you…

Simon Castaldi arrives at Bastos to settle scores, video leaked: “I will bleed you…
Simon Castaldi arrives at Bastos to settle scores, video leaked: “I will bleed you…

Nothing is going well between Simon Castaldi and Bastos. It turns out that during his lives on Twitch, Bastien never hesitates to throw out a few files. A few weeks ago, Bastos revealed that he had seen a video of Cassandra shown by Simon Castaldi and this caused an argument between the couple. Recently, it was Lisa-Marie who made some revelations live. The latter claimed that Simon Castaldi had cheated on Cassandra on the set of the films. Fifty.

Lisa-Marie swings at Simon Castaldi

“The night when Cassandra left… The next day I assumed IN and in the end, he chickened out. I was nice and I didn’t say anything. I let him make his mea culpa . And it turns out he spent the night with another candidate I’m not going to say who it is, because it’s her business and it concerns her But yes, he cheated on Cassandra in the Fifty.said Lisa-Marie.

The young woman’s revelations angered Simon Castaldi. The latter then went to Bastos in the middle of the night to settle scores with him and Lisa-Marie. The day after this altercation, Benjamin Castaldi’s son spoke to let it be known that a video was going to be released and that it should not necessarily be taken into account.

Simon Castaldi explains

“This night could have gone wrong. But I didn’t cross certain lines. Why? Because I have an incredible woman by my side, a family who counts on me, and friends who helped me keep my calm. I know that violence does not solve anything, but it was essential for me to say STOP, to put an end to these incessant attacks which prevent us from living in peace. I ask you to understand that the videos you are about to see, These are not just screams or outbursts. They are the reflection of two exhausted people, at the end of their tether, who just want to be left alone to move forward in life.explained Simon Castaldi.

Internet users react en masse

This video was finally released on social networks via Aqababe’s Twitter account. You will also be able to find it just below. On this one, we can see Simon Castaldi and Cassandra in the street. The young man then said to Bastos: “You’re ruining our lives.” He then threatened to file a complaint before telling him that he was going to “bleed to the marrow”.

For her part, Cassandra also expressed her anger. “It’s serious what she’s doing. She’s a stalker”she blurted out in the middle of the street, most certainly to Lisa-Marie. For the moment, Bastos and Lisa-Marie have not reacted to the broadcast of this video, unlike Internet users. Among the comments that were published, we could read: “Cassandra let’s take a breath!”, “So Cassandra is really hysterical, there’s no more doubt there” or even “On the other hand, there’s no point in putting on a show like that outside, shame.”



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