Today, World Youth Day: Education is a fundamental right for young people everywhere in the world by 2030

Today, World Youth Day: Education is a fundamental right for young people everywhere in the world by 2030
Today, World Youth Day: Education is a fundamental right for young people everywhere in the world by 2030


Although all Sustainable Development Goals are necessary for youth development, the implementation of goals focused on education and employment are particularly important and require special attention, highlights the latest edition of the Global Youth Report.

Young people and goal 4: quality education. Education is a fundamental right for young people everywhere.

Sustainable Development Goal 4 advocates inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all. To achieve this, concerted efforts must be redoubled so that all young people (girls and boys) can benefit from free, equitable, inclusive and quality education, and that they have the opportunity to access adequate training. . However, the most recent statistics nevertheless show profound disparities at the global level in terms of education – and illustrate the extent to which access to universal secondary education remains an inaccessible dream for many young people, particularly in the most remote countries. poor.

Ensuring access to quality, inclusive and equitable education is a fundamental factor in enabling a successful transition to working life, obtaining decent work and, therefore, achieving many Sustainable Development Goals. Quality primary and then secondary education must be complemented by affordable technical, vocational or tertiary education, which provides young people with relevant skills to land a job or start a business.

Young people and Goal 8: decent work and economic growth

Sustainable Development Goal 8 promotes decent work and economic growth. Young people are particularly affected by unemployment problems, low employment levels or poor working conditions. Young people are in fact three times more likely to be unemployed than adults, while the global youth unemployment rate reached 13% in 2017.

In addition, many young people have precarious, poorly paid or undeclared employment. The difficulties linked to finding stable and decent employment are even more profound for vulnerable or marginalized young people, in particular young women, young people with disabilities, young migrants.

Young people and Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Whether through education, science or technology, young people are stepping up and using their skills to accelerate climate action.

From school strikes to protests to innovation, the mobilization of young people around the world shows the power they possess to help tackle the climate emergency.



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