“An open wound”: Arthur overcome with emotion in the face of Apolline de Malherbe, her chilling words

“An open wound”: Arthur overcome with emotion in the face of Apolline de Malherbe, her chilling words
“An open wound”: Arthur overcome with emotion in the face of Apolline de Malherbe, her chilling words

These are moving comments that were made by Arthur this Monday, October 7. The emblematic host of TF1 was facing Apolline de Malherbe when he spoke about the deadliest war experienced by Israel a year ago to the day. “I am 58 years old, October 7 will remain the worst day of my entire life”, he began before continuing: “It’s a wound, an open wound that doesn’t heal.” Arthur affirms it: this date will never be forgotten. “1,200 people murdered, massacred, disemboweled, burned,
raped, filmed by terrorists drunk with joy, posted on social networks”, he continues, very touched.

In order to illustrate his words, Arthur does not hesitate to make a comparison with . “We have experienced 10 times the attacks. It’s as if 30,000 terrorists had returned to France and massacred 12,000 people. he explained. Himself Jewish, the host recalls that this date remains a trauma. “Israel was born from the Shoah where it is the refuge of Jews from all over the world. This trauma, all Jews around the world are now experiencing it,” he continues before discussing his own case. “So yes I cry every day, I have cried since day 1 because my Jewish DNA started to bubble up”, confides Arthur.

Arthur: a Jewish entertainer and very often threatened

Arthur is an animator who needs no introduction. He has been on TF1 for many years and he is one of those who is very popular. Taken by emotion, the host claims to have “need to shout out my anger, my fear, my anxieties in the face of the injustices we see every day, the fake news. I woke up a little more Jewish than usual,” he declares to Apolline de Malherbe. Arthur subsequently explains that he is the subject of threats and insults on a daily basis.
“I go once a week to the 16th police station to leave a USB key of all the threats I receive and all the insults, since October 7, 2023”, he revealed.

Arthur knows it: his presence on the air can disturb people who do not hesitate to let him know, in the worst possible way. While I’m talking to you, I invite you to check your X account to see the number of messages you will receive about me,” he told Apolline de Malherbe, knowing full well that he was going to be the subject of threats. “I am the only Jew on TF1 so there is a small part that hates me”, continues Arthur before adding: “A few days after October 7, my phone stopped ringing. I lost people for whom I had a lot of affection but I met wonderful people”.

Arthur: “It’s only been a year…”

Arthur was transparent on the subject. “I am French, a citizen and Jewish. Until now, I would have only said French,” he said.
But why does he feel obligated to have to state everything
“On Google, when you type “Arthur”, there is “Jew” and if you go down a little further, it says media and fortune”,
then explains the host who adds firmly: “These are the clichés of anti-Semitism.” A situation that he deeply deplores: You never saw that if you typed in my name. We’ve only seen this for a year”, he concluded.



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