Léon Marchand and his “ideal body for making love”: these remarks in Quotidien do not pass muster

Léon Marchand and his “ideal body for making love”: these remarks in Quotidien do not pass muster
Léon Marchand and his “ideal body for making love”: these remarks in Quotidien do not pass muster

Léon Marchand is THE personality who will have marked the 2024 Olympic Games. The young man has had a string of victories in his discipline, swimming, to the great happiness of the French. This Monday, September 30, the swimmer was the guest on the show
Daily. A sequence caused controversy in particular because of comments made by columnist Maïa Mazaurette. Throughout the interview, Léon Marchand explains that he is introverted and that he does not necessarily appreciate being looked at. This is also the reason why he does not participate in many interviews, preferring to devote himself to his passion.

Maïa Mazaurette wanted to highlight today’s guest in her column. However, the columnist made some very notable remarks. She addressed the theme of the swimmers’ body, describing it as ideal and in particular that of Léon Marchand. “It takes us back to the origins of athletics, when athletes competed naked, the public had to be able to see the athlete’s body. she began before continuing:
“Since then, to my greatest despair, we have invented the tracksuit.” For his part, Léon Marchand appears with a very embarrassed smile, not knowing what to say or how to react to these comments.

Léon Marchand: a sequence he would have done without

Maïa Mazaurette talks about the body of swimmers, declaring:
“Women are subconsciously attracted to men who can pass on good genes to their offspring”. To illustrate this point, she does not hesitate to project an image of Léon Marchand, which she details later. “Recognizable by a V or T shape, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. Swimming precisely develops the muscles of the shoulders and upper back, creating that iconic silhouette,” she said.

If the column greatly bothered Léon Marchand, a comment was noted: This is what makes the swimmer’s body not only a sporting ideal, but also an ideal one for making love ”. Words that did not go unnoticed and Maïa Mazaurette concluded by declaring: “the undulations of the pelvis are still a bit reminiscent of the sexual act” before comparing Léon Marchand to a merman, Jason Momoa’s version in Aquaman. Enough to surprise Yann Barthès since the host affirmed that she had “gone far away”.

Léon Marchand: Internet users shocked by this sequence

On social networks, Internet users who were watching the show
to follow the interview with the champion
quickly spoke. They notably claimed to have been particularly shocked by the comments made in the show. “When I hear Maïa’s columns in Quotidien, I regularly laugh. But there, she outdid herself in the genance this evening with Léon Marchand. Imagine the same chronicle for dissecting a woman’s body. Why is it okay to talk about an athlete like this?” wrote one of them.



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