Lou Pernaut (Les Cinquante) cash on Simon Castaldi: “Someone very…

Lou Pernaut (Les Cinquante) cash on Simon Castaldi: “Someone very…
Lou Pernaut (Les Cinquante) cash on Simon Castaldi: “Someone very…

By Clémence T

– Published on Oct 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.modified on Oct 01, 2024 at 5:33 p.m.

During an interview with Melty, Lou Pernaut spoke in complete transparency about what she thinks of Simon Castaldi, also present in Les Cinquante.

Little known until a few years ago, Lou Pernaut is now much talked about. The daughter of the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut actually made her television debut by joining Les Cinquante on W9. The former interior architecture student now evolves as a content creator on social networks and at the same time fights against cyberharassment. Young, bubbly and always cheerful, Lou stands out as a real breath of fresh air in the world of reality TV and has her place there.

Lou Pernaut proud to join Les Cinquante

Moreover, Lou Pernaut does not regret this adventure of the Fifty in any way. During a new interview given to Melty, the young woman, who also spoke without taboo about her complexes, returned to this extraordinary experience. “Objectively, it was incredible because I had the chance to participate in a game with 50 people who were all really nice. At least, with me”she confided. “Et I loved it because the game was really incrediblethere were lots of tests and lots of plot twists that you have to watch”.

Nathalie Marquay’s cash opinion on her daughter’s participation in reality TV

During another exclusive interview, Lou Pernaut revealed what his mother, Nathalie Marquay, really thought about her participation in Les Cinquante. Admitting first of all that the latter has “a little freaked out” upon hearing the news, Lou then wanted to reassure: “I showed her episodes from previous seasons and she was super excited like me”. Likewise, the former Miss proved to be a real support for her daughter. “I was very stressed, she was really there for me. (…) She told me ‘you shouldn’t get angry with people’ and lots of other good advice”. Nothing beats a mother’s recommendations.

Lou Pernaut on the subject of Simon Castaldi: “In terms of personality, we have nothing to do”

During our interview, Lou Pernaut returned in detail to the most recurring rumors concerning her. This is why some find that the candidate has a lot in common with Simon Castaldi. Not enough to impress the main interested party who immediately made things clear. “Simon and I, The only thing that ultimately brings us together is that our dads were both in the TV world.”she first wanted to point out.

“Afterwards, Simon is very nice. I know him a little bit but ultimately not that much. He is a person, from what I could see, who had self-confidence problems and who compared himself a lot to his father. So on that, yes, we are similar Afterwards. at the personality level, we have nothing to do. But he’s someone very special and he makes me laugh.”she finally concludes. Friends from afar, nothing more, nothing less.



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