“Don’t even think about it!” : Anthony Delon reveals the security system put in place in Douchy and warns the curious

“Don’t even think about it!” : Anthony Delon reveals the security system put in place in Douchy and warns the curious
“Don’t even think about it!” : Anthony Delon reveals the security system put in place in Douchy and warns the curious

Two months after the disappearance of Alain Delon, life is slowly returning to normal at the Douchy estate, the final resting place of the French cinema icon.

Douchy, a fortress under close surveillance

The La Brûlerie estate, a vast 120-hectare property located in the , is the subject of particular attention from Anthony Delon. This Sunday, October 6, the eldest child Delon revealed on Instagram the impressive security system put in place to protect the family home.

Several cameras now monitor the entrances, including the gate where tributes from fans previously accumulated. With an unequivocal message – “Don’t even think about it”) – Anthony Delon affirms his determination to preserve the tranquility of the place.

Douchy, the area full of challenges

Domain management is not without pitfalls. At the end of September, Anthony Delon found himself confronted with an unexpected problem: the invasion of wild boars which ravaged the lawns. “That’s it, here we go again! Ohlalala damn!” he exclaimed on social media. An additional challenge for those who already have to manage the uncertain future of the property, described by Alain Delon himself as a “financial pit”. As someone close to the actor recalls: “Throughout his life, Douchy has cost him a lot of money, I fear it will become a financial problem for his children.”

At the Delons, life goes on

Despite these difficulties, life is gradually returning to normal. On September 30, Anthony Delon celebrated his 60th birthday surrounded by his daughters Loup and Liv, as well as his brother Alain-Fabien who immortalized this moment. Regular visits to the estate continue, often in the company of Loubo, Alain Delon’s last dog, for whom the actor had a particular affection. He also confided to Match six years ago: “If he were to die before me, which I hope, I wouldn’t take on any others.”

The future of the field remains uncertain. The mayor of the town admits that Douchy “will not be easy to sell, especially if Mr. Delon is buried there”while suggesting the possibility of making it a museum: “This would allow its notoriety to continue“. In the meantime, Anthony Delon continues to watch over this place steeped in history, where his father now rests in peace in the chapel he had built.



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