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Gérard Darmon says he is a victim of anti-Semitism

Gérard Darmon says he is a victim of anti-Semitism
Gérard Darmon says he is a victim of anti-Semitism

Dince the attacks of October 7, Gérard Darmon has been an unwavering supporter of Israel and has made no secret of it. And as a Jew, he has not been spared on social media. A wave of attacks that he now considers deeply anti-Semitic, as he confided on RTL. “What am I ultimately accused of? What am I accused of by insulting me, by telling me ‘son of a b…, we’ll get your skin, we’ll boycott you’?” the actor wonders. When I’m insulted, they’re committing an anti-Semitic act. It’s because I’m Jewish, that’s all.”

Gérard Darmon, 76, has always shown his unreserved support for the Hebrew state since the start of the frontal war against Hamas. He even went there last spring to salute the work of the IDF soldiers. “You are our pride, you are our honor,” he told them in a speech that made the rounds on social networks, provoking lively reactions – the conflict has left more than 40,000 dead to date, civilians and soldiers alike.

He even saw a leak of his subscribers when he posted an Israeli flag on his account after the bloody attacks of October 7, 2023. “Thank you to the 2,000 subscribers who left my wall because of the Israeli flag!, reacted the actor on Instagram. Things are clearer now.”

“I never said anything against Muslims, against Palestinians”

On RTL, the star of Family Business expressed his frustration with the misinterpretations […] Read more



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