this “big problem” which could have compromised their relationship

this “big problem” which could have compromised their relationship
this “big problem” which could have compromised their relationship

In their Netflix series, the Sussex couple looks back on the early days of their relationship and the reactions of the royal family. The couple reveals that a persistent prejudice could have threatened their union from the start. But what was this “big problem” that threatened to shake up their love story?

Since meeting in 2016, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have defied expectations with a whirlwind romance. After their royal wedding in 2018, followed by the birth of their two children, Archie and Lilibet, the couple has faced criticism and reluctance. Indeed, behind this love story, there have been obstacles, particularly related to the beginnings of their relationship. As they share their memories through their Netflix series, the Sussexes have revealed never-before-seen details about their first impressions of the royal family.

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Indeed, they have never hidden the fact that their relationship had raised questions within the royal family. While some members of the royal family were immediately impressed by the actress, others were more skeptical about the longevity of this relationship. The reason for this doubt? Prince Harry points to a very specific cause that, according to him, clouded the judgment of those close to him. But what was this problem that could have jeopardized their relationship?

A prejudice that could have compromised their relationship

In their Netflix series, Harry and Meghan Markle detailed the latter’s first meeting with the royal family. Prince Harry recalls that his family “were incredibly impressed by Meghan’s beauty and intelligence. They were surprised that a redhead like me could attract such a beautiful and intelligent woman.” However, the couple admits that this admiration did not last. What quickly interfered, according to them, was a specific prejudice: the fact that Meghan was an “American actress.” A status that, for the British royals, seemed difficult to understand and accept.

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As he explained in the documentary, “The fact that I was dating an American actress was probably what clouded their judgment more than anything else.” On top of that, he says, to some members of his family, the relationship seemed fleeting, simply because she came from a background far removed from royalty. “Oh, she’s an American actress, it won’t last long,” he reportedly heard. This perception quickly drove a wedge between them and some members of the royal family, reinforcing doubts about the viability of their relationship.

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The ‘biggest problem’ in the eyes of the royal family

The Duchess of Sussex, for her part, has also addressed this stigma surrounding her acting career. In the second episode of the series, she points out that her profession seemed to be “the biggest problem” in the eyes of the royal family. For many, the world of Hollywood is synonymous with superficiality, a stereotype that she says weighed heavily on her in-laws’ first impressions of her. “There’s a big idea of ​​what it looks like from the British perspective — Hollywood — and it’s very easy for them to stereotype that,” she explained.

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In the eyes of the royal family, being an American actress meant belonging to a world perceived as superficial and ephemeral. This image, deeply rooted in certain mentalities, reinforced the idea that the relationship between Harry and Meghan would be nothing more than a passing fling. However, against all odds, the couple proved otherwise.



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