Alain Delon “prisoner”: Brigitte Bardot accuses her three children, her words heavy with meaning

Alain Delon “prisoner”: Brigitte Bardot accuses her three children, her words heavy with meaning
Alain Delon “prisoner”: Brigitte Bardot accuses her three children, her words heavy with meaning

The actress is angry… Sunday, August 18, 2024, Alain Delon died at the age of 88. In a statement to AFP, his three children shared: “A great wild animal has died, who fascinated and divided at the same time (…) He passed away peacefully in his house in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and his family. (…) His family asks you to respect his privacy, in this extremely painful time of mourning”.

In shock, Brigitte Bardot paid tribute to her friend in a handwritten letter shared on X (ex-Twitter). “Alain’s death brings to an end the magnificent chapter of a bygone era, of which he was a sovereign monument. He represented the best of French prestige cinema. An ambassador of elegance, talent, and beauty.”she had written to begin with.

Brigitte Bardot: “This last year has been lamentable”

In mourning, the actress who will soon celebrate her 90th birthday added:
“His disappearance leaves an abysmal void that nothing and no one can fill. I lose a friend, an alter ego, an accomplice. We shared the same values, the same disappointments, the same love of animals.”. Friday, September 20, 2024, for Le Parisien, Brigitte Bardot agreed to discuss the death of her late friend.

While Alain Delon’s death was a blow, the star hinted that she held a grudge against Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon. Speaking of the “terrible conditions”
in which the actor had left, she deplored: “He was a prisoner in his own home. No one could enter that property or even talk to him on the phone, he didn’t answer the phone. The family decided everything. This last year has been miserable.”.

Alain Delon had distanced himself from his closest friends

Over the years, many personalities have said that they find it increasingly difficult to get Alain Delon on the phone. For example, photographer Michel Marizy said: “He who never left his phone, no longer answers. I left him a few messages, but I don’t even know if he got them. He always answered me though.”.

For his part,
Jean-Pierre Lecluse
a friend and former projectionist of the actor, had directly attacked Hiromi Rollin. “It was impossible to get her on the phone, every time it was this woman who answered”he had lamented.



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