In Mazan, 1,400 m² of photovoltaic panels will be installed in the La Boiserie car park

In Mazan, 1,400 m² of photovoltaic panels will be installed in the La Boiserie car park
In Mazan, 1,400 m² of photovoltaic panels will be installed in the La Boiserie car park

Four Comtadins, Gérard Simian, Gérard Bodinot, Jean-Claude Carron and Philippe Babinet, have launched into the production of local green electricity. They founded a cooperative society which they called Citoyensbranches du Sud Ventoux (Cibrav). It currently has around a hundred members.

Responding to a call for projects from the CoVe, they obtained the rental from the mayor of Mazan, Louis Bonnet, of part of the La Boiserie car park for an annual rent of €3,000 for thirty years. On 5,000 m² of land, Cibrav can build and operate shade houses, made up of 704 photovoltaic panels.

The equivalent of the needs of 95 homes

This 310k Wp plant, the cost of which is estimated at €430,000, should be amortized over sixteen years, taking into account that EDF is obliged to purchase the electricity produced for twenty years, valued at €40,000 per year.

For comparison, this installation could meet the energy needs of 95 homes (excluding heating).

The work, entrusted to the companies Provence Éco Énergie and Héliowatt, has just begun. Fifteen foundation pits 6 to 8 m deep required the use of a huge drill, almost a meter in diameter, which allows concrete to be injected simultaneously. Thus, the 1,400 m² of shade, well secured, will not risk being harmed by the wind.

Taking into account the necessary controls and approvals, the commissioning of this project is planned for the end of October.

Note that another project of the same type, led by the Citoyens branchés du Sud Ventoux, is already well underway in the commune of Bédoin.



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