Cafom: solid performance in the first half

Cafom: solid performance in the first half
Cafom: solid performance in the first half

The Cafom group’s turnover for the first half of 2023/2024 reached 215.1 million euros, up 3% compared to the first half of 2022-2023. Over this period, the margin rate stood at 50.6%, an increase of 2 points compared to the first half of 2022-2023, driven by the good performance of the Continental Europe e-Commerce division (+3.8 points) and the stability observed within the Overseas division (+0.2 points). The gross margin thus came to 108.9 million euros, a clear increase of 7.4 million euros over one year.

The group managed to control the evolution of its operating expenses, which increased consistently (staff, marketing and logistics) in order to support the growth of the activity of the Continental Europe e-Commerce division. Adjusted EBITDA thus came to €26.3 million. Adjusted EBITDA excluding IFRS 16 amounted to €16.1 million, compared to €13.4 million a year earlier.

After taking into account depreciation and provisions, current operating profit amounts to 12 million euros (9.8 million euros a year earlier) and profit before tax comes to 12.4 million euros. euros (9.7 million euros a year earlier).

The net profit attributable to the group comes to 7.5 million euros (5.9 million euros in the first half of 2022-2023), including a tax charge of 2.9 million euros.



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