“The phone no longer rings”: how the dissolution of the Assembly is hurting real estate in Loire-Atlantique

“The phone no longer rings”: how the dissolution of the Assembly is hurting real estate in Loire-Atlantique
“The phone no longer rings”: how the dissolution of the Assembly is hurting real estate in Loire-Atlantique

Sitting at her desk, mobile and landline within reach, Christel Core waits. “We have more goods than we ever had, at all prices, but the phone no longer rings.“, deplores this real estate advisor from Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire. Since June 9 and the dissolution of the National Assembly, announced by Emmanuel Macron, the real estate market plunges again. “Generally speaking, we feel a period of wait-and-see, similar to what we can perceive before a presidential election.“, analyzes Jérôme de Champsavin from Nantes, vice-president of the National Real Estate Federation. From Pornic to Ancenis via the Nantes metropolis, the trend is confirmed, even if it is still too early to quantify the drop in ‘activity.

Visits that are canceled and sellers who give up

The presidential announcement seemed to tense up and fuel skepticism, both among potential buyers and among sellers. “The week following the dissolution was significantnotes Yann Gadois, manager of a Pornic agency. Where the trend was towards a resumption of activity, not sustained, but with calls from buyers, suddenly the phone stopped ringing.” Email inquiries have also dropped.

The schedule of Sylvie Brousse, owner of a real estate agency in Loroux-Bottereau since 2006, has also suddenly become lighter. “From Monday, we even had visits that were canceled and buyers who told us they preferred to wait“, she laments, like other advisors contacted in Nantes, Ancenis and in the Vignoble. “We have customers who tell us thiscontinues Christel Core, based in Sainte-Luce for seven years. I have a client who had to put a T2 up for sale, he came to sign the mandate and he said to me: ‘oh well no, I’m stopping everything, my money is better off in stone than in the bank because I don’t know what the future will hold’.

“We can’t wait to finish this election period”

Prisoners of interest rates which had jumped by three points in the space of 6 months last year, of the reluctance of banks to grant loans and confronted with goods whose prices had soared, the sector began to see the end of the tunnel since January 1st. “This dissolution came at a time when we were starting to receive calls and see buyers coming through the doors of our agencies again.confirms Jérôme de Champsavin, founder of the network Live here. This did not cancel projects for which there were sales agreements in the process of being signed. On the other hand, we noted more reflection and reluctance among buyers.**” And Yann Gadois is positive: “but since the start of the week, things have started to relax a little bit“.

Ironically, the real estate agent based on the coast was even confronted by residents who were concerned about the situation and who still considered property as a safe haven.It made me smilehe confides. I have had calls from people who had money invested and who were wondering whether to invest in real estate rather than keeping it in their bank account..” These field testimonies, valid both for Loire-Atlantique and for the rest of the country, have been relayed to the FNAIM. “All the indicators we have today are difficult for the professionnotes the vice-president of the federation. Real estate is certainly feeling the impact of this explosion, we did not need a political crisis in the 2024 real estate news.“While the sector is looking for visibility and measures to initiate a sustainable recovery, Jérôme de Champsavin concludes:”we can’t wait to get this election period over with“.



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