Toulouse. Airbus announces delivery delays, its stock falls on the stock market

Toulouse. Airbus announces delivery delays, its stock falls on the stock market
Toulouse. Airbus announces delivery delays, its stock falls on the stock market


Lucie Fraisse

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 4:57 p.m.

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Airbus shares have fallen since the opening of Stock exchange of Paris, this Tuesday, June 25, 2024: at the opening, the stock plunged 9% and continued to lose value throughout the day (it had lost nearly 12% around 3 p.m.). The market reacts to the announcements from the European aircraft manufacturer based in Toulouse, made on the evening of Monday June 24, 2024.

Supply problem

In a press release, Airbus teams explain that the company is facing challenges persistent supply problems, mainly for “engines, aerostructures and cabin equipment. »

Delays which notably force Airbus to postpone by one year its production objective of 75 A320 family planes per month. This cruising speed is now envisaged for 2027. 770 aircraft should be delivered this year, compared to 800 initially envisaged.

Downward forecast

In addition, Airbus also announced a new provision of 900 million euros in the first half of the year in connection with certain space telecommunications, navigation and observation programs.

Airbus is revising its operating profit forecast downwards: while it was considering a sum of between 6.5 and 7 billion euros for 2024, the group is now counting on 5.5 billion euros.

Airbus’ half-year results will be published on July 30.

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