The homeless man who returned 2,000 euros found on a train will finally receive a big jackpot

The homeless man who returned 2,000 euros found on a train will finally receive a big jackpot
The homeless man who returned 2,000 euros found on a train will finally receive a big jackpot

We can’t imagine how much honesty can pay off. On Monday, we told you the incredible story of Hadjer Al-Ali, this 33-year-old homeless Dutch man who came across a wallet full of money, lost on an empty train at an Amsterdam station, in the Netherlands. After having surveyed those around us, he did what no one would have done, namely reported the wallet and the 2,000 euros it contained to the police. For the future, Hadjer Al-Ali can count on his karma.

The story was picked up all over the world because the gesture of this homeless person was so moving. Especially given the precarious situation of Hadjer Al-Ali and especially since the wallet in question did not contain any document allowing the owner to be identified. In addition to the media, the homeless man recounted his adventure in a video which has tens of thousands of views on TikTok.

Donations flowing in

But the somewhat meager reward offered by the authorities, a 50-euro gift voucher, sparked a reaction. While the person himself was content with what he got, others thought he deserved more. Thus, an anonymous person created an online pot with the crazy objective of collecting the equivalent of the sum that Hadjer Al-Ali had returned.

Except that nothing went as planned. In just a few hours, donations poured in, more than 2,500 this Tuesday. And the objective of 2,000 euros was literally shattered, now exceeding 30,000 euros. But it won’t be too much for this father of two children, who has been homeless for two years. He who only has, as his only treasures, a few clothes and a photo of his children, hopes to “put back [sa] life on track.



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