In Lille, a free immersive show for the 15th anniversary of Euratechnologies

In Lille, a free immersive show for the 15th anniversary of Euratechnologies
In Lille, a free immersive show for the 15th anniversary of Euratechnologies


Anne-Sophie Hourdeaux

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 4:10 p.m.

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Born in 2009, Euratechnologies in Lille has become in 15 years one of the largest start-up incubators in Europe. For this birthday, from June 29 to July 18, dive into a immersive video-mapping show 360° and go back in time. It’s free.

Immersive dome

The EuraTechnologies Atrium in Lille will be transformed for a few weeks: it will host an immersive dome, inside which a sound and visual artistic experience will be offered.

In five acts, the history of this place which has known several lives will be retraced, spanning the history of industrial and digital revolutions, from textiles to start-ups.

Videos: currently on Actu
A photo exhibition on the history of the LeBlan Lafont factory in Lille which became Euratechnologies is offered. ©World of Work Archives

Photo exhibition too

Next to the dome, a photo exhibition reveals a series of archive images from the LeBlan Lafont factory to the present day, in partnership with the Archives du Monde du Travail.

The creation and production of the video-mapping is the responsibility of Artpoint, AV Extended and Fugu.

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