Khouribga: 1.5 billion dirhams for an industrial complex intended for automobiles and renewable energies

Khouribga: 1.5 billion dirhams for an industrial complex intended for automobiles and renewable energies
Khouribga: 1.5 billion dirhams for an industrial complex intended for automobiles and renewable energies

The Council of the Béni Mellal-Khénifra region and the Chinese company “Holley Global” signed a memorandum of understanding on June 20 in Khouribga, for the creation of a Moroccan industrial complex called “North Africa”.

The signing of this memorandum of understanding is part of efforts to encourage and attract foreign investments in the region.

This memorandum provides for the creation of a limited liability company in accordance with Moroccan law, to arrange, promote and develop an industrial park intended to house industrial companies specializing in the fields of automobiles and spare parts, electromechanical, furniture and textiles, household appliances, electronic products, fodder as well as renewable energy products and others.

This project, which will be carried out over an area of ​​300 hectares in the commune of Béni Yakhlef (Khouribga) for an amount of 1.5 billion DH, should ultimately generate some 20,000 direct jobs.

This project will also help diversify the region’s economy and direct its development towards promising industrial sectors as well as modern technologies.

The signing ceremony took place in the presence of the general director of Holley Global, managers of this company, heads of decentralized services in the region and members of the Béni Mellal-Khénifra regional council.



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