Interview. In Pontoise, Véronique Leparmentier is the new president of Aquarel

Interview. In Pontoise, Véronique Leparmentier is the new president of Aquarel
Interview. In Pontoise, Véronique Leparmentier is the new president of Aquarel


Fabrice Cahen

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 8:58 a.m.
; updated June 16, 2024 at 8:59 a.m.

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In Pontoise (Val-d’Oise) The association Watercolorto sociocultural missions takes a new start.

Since the general meeting of March 30, 2024, the office and the board of directors have been renewed and made up of new volunteers.

Véronique Leparmentier, former director of the Eaubonne sociocultural center, is the new president.

After an expertise which revealed a structural defect in the organization, a debate opened around the future of the association which manages the socio-cultural centers of Marcouville and Louvrais. A situation which fueled the municipal debate.

“We consider that the situation of Aquarel is particularly delicate”, mentioned Gérard Seimbille, municipal councilor (Dvd) of the minority group Vivre à Pontoise, at the meeting of February 8, 2024, expressing surprise that the association had experienced a drop in its subsidy in 2023 “while it was in deficit and this year, the increase does not meet its requirements. This association is not considered up to what it should be,” he said.

“Given the emergency situation, with the observation of a subsidy deficit of more than one million euros since 2015, the association will file for bankruptcy,” added Pascal Bourdou, municipal councilor of the same group .

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“We consider that the grant granted pushes the association to file for bankruptcy,” went so far as to declare Gérard Bommenel, municipal councilor of the Pontoise Écologie et Solidaire group.

“The City’s aid to Aquarel represents almost half of the subsidy envelope,” recalled Stéphanie Von Euw, mayor (Lr),

“What I perceive, beyond the financial difficulty, is that there are other more complicated reasons to resolve,” she retorted.

The elected official then proposed to address the Aquarel case at the municipal council meeting on June 3, 2024.

Without general manager

In the meantime, the general assembly of the association has opened a new horizon for Aquarel which has “rethought its operation without the position of general director”, announced Agnès Irrmann, former president of the association, during the municipal debate. A board of directors has been expanded and includes former members.

A renewed team is working around a new presidency.

The priorities relate to “consolidation of operations” and a point of attention will be focused on the Marcouville neighborhood center.

From now on, it is the center directors who alone manage the structures around volunteer members from the neighborhoods.


Provisions which are still the subject of questions within the municipal council.

Florence Chambon, opposition municipal councilor, is surprised by a “level of interference from the town hall in the organization”.

“We (the City) do not vote or make decisions,” reassured Schahrazade Delamare, deputy in charge of neighborhood life and who is on the new board of directors.

“The City provides advice and support,” clarified Stéphanie Von Euw, mayor (Lr).

Trust is essential.

An exceptional grant of €50,000 from the City was also adopted unanimously. It completes the €510,000 already granted.

INTERVIEW. Véronique Le Parmentier: “I couldn’t see this association die”

News: What motivated you to run for president of Aquarel?

Véronique LEPARMENTIER: Former director of a socio-cultural center in Val-d’Oise, I am part of the board of directors of the federation of social centers. When I retired in 2019, I attended the Louvrais center and joined the Aquarel board of directors. I could not bear to learn that this association risked being liquidated and the future of the socio-cultural centers of Louvrais and Marcouville threatened. The lives of these neighborhoods were targeted. So I launched a rescue movement and I was followed. Employees, board members and members joined the action.

How did your election go?

LV: During the general meeting, we proposed to relaunch the association, by proposing a new board of directors, which was immediately elected. We have chosen not to renew the position of general director. From now on, the directors of the two centers manage independently, accompanied by a board of directors, made up of as many members from Louvrais as from Marcouville.

There was talk of interference by the City in the affairs of the association. What about this?

LV: No possible risk. The association only has one policy, its own. Certainly, two members of the municipality are members of the board of directors. Which is normal, the City is the association’s main financier and our host. But these municipal officials do not have the right to vote within the office.

What measures do you plan to take to relaunch the Aquarel association?

LV: Recruit a family representative in Marcouville and maintain a suitable workforce for the two socio-cultural centers which have a collective reception for minors (leisure center). Obviously, rebalance the finances, to reduce the current deficit. Adapt budgets according to activities. Go looking for new possible grants. The computer network must be renewed. The system is no longer up to date.

Particular attention would be paid to the socio-cultural center of Marcouville. For what ?

LV: A municipalization of this center had been considered. We oppose it. It is part of the soul of the association. We are worried because it will close during the urban renovation operation. We don’t know where he will move to. It has lost members, but we have a feeling that the membership will increase this year. A new director is appointed. A new dynamic is underway.

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