Researchers accidentally discover capacitor capable of storing 19 times more energy than current capacitors

Researchers accidentally discover capacitor capable of storing 19 times more energy than current capacitors
Researchers accidentally discover capacitor capable of storing 19 times more energy than current capacitors

JVTech News Researchers accidentally discover capacitor capable of storing 19 times more energy than current capacitors

Published on 06/15/2024 at 7:10 p.m.

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It may not seem like it, but potentially, these researchers have made a major discovery that could help combat the energy crisis. And this would concern all objects that use a battery.

New capacitors found by accident?

Doing science by accident is something very common after all; numerous examples illustrate the power of unexpected discoveries. Penicillin, microwave ovens, Teflon, and, in our case, a capacitor with an energy density 19 times higher than that of current models is proof of this.

But first, it is necessary to explain what a capacitor is. These devices store energy in the form of potential difference, or electrical voltage. They generally take as long to charge as to discharge due to the time constant. This is why you have already seen that some devices with an LED take a while to turn off.

Capacitors are often made of ferroelectric materials, which are lightweight and strong, but their energy density capacity is limited. In other words, the amount of electricity they can store is limited. This explains the limit in terms of charging and autonomy of our batteries.

We can clearly speak of “serendipity”, a concept from the English language and which can be defined as “a valuable discovery that occurred accidentally”. In this case, South Korean researchers have found an interesting property in capacitors made of barium titanate and molybdenum disulfide that can be defined as a type of semiconductor.

It is in an infinitely small gap, at the junction between the semiconductor and the barium titanium, that a physical phenomenon occurred. Electricity built up at the contact points, increasing the time it took for the capacitor to return to its original state.

The creators of this new capacitor published their discovery in the world-renowned journal Science. They mention that the discovered device can store up to 191.7 joules per cubic centimeter. Of this energy, 90% is usable, making the device particularly efficient.

This would create more efficient and durable batteries for use in smartphones, electric cars, computers and almost all electronic devices.

Thus, this new capacitor structure offers an energy density up to 19 times higher than that of traditional capacitors. At a time when the energy crisis is imminent (like in the Netherlands, where it is already palpable), these devices could be an effective solution to save more energy.



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