The Polisario, invisible actor in the presidential election in Mauritania

The Polisario, invisible actor in the presidential election in Mauritania
The Polisario, invisible actor in the presidential election in Mauritania

On June 29, 1.8 million Mauritanians will go to the polls to elect their next President of the Republic. Among the seven candidates in the running, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, the outgoing president, presents himself as the absolute favorite. At the head of Mauritania since 2019, Ghazouani, aged 67, is seen as the strongest candidate for a second term.

However, this campaign is not just a national affair. Behind the scenes of meetings and debates another battle is being played out, that of the Polisario, a separatist movement, which is trying to gain its footing in the Mauritanian political game. Indeed, this electoral campaign is marked by an active presence of the armed group financed by Algeria against the territorial integrity of Morocco.

The emissary of the head of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali, in Nouakchott is intensifying his meetings, establishing contacts with new political leaders. That said, the Constitutional Council confirmed the final list of candidates, excluding former President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, once Ghazouani’s mentor, now in disgrace and imprisoned for illicit enrichment. The exclusion of Abdel Aziz eliminates a potentially serious competitor, thus consolidating Ghazouani’s position.

Other candidates include Hamadi Ould Sid’El Moctar, leader of the opposition Islamist party Tewassoul, and Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeid, human rights activist and runner-up in the 2019 presidential election. Mauritania, which did not experience jihadist attack since 2011, aspires to a peaceful election under the presidency of Ghazouani. In short, with a relatively stable record and the absence of his main rival, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani approaches this election with a significant lead, strengthening his position as undisputed favorite for a new mandate at the head of Mauritania.

Campaign under tension with a scattered actor

In this landscape, there is a scattered actor, the Polisario, which is not content to plead its cause only on international stages. He was able to subtly infiltrate the Mauritanian political landscape, using the presidential election as an opportunity to strengthen his alliances and promote his interests. Through discreet lobbies, financing and political pressure, the Polisario seeks to influence the results of the elections and ensure that the future president is favorable to its aspirations.

The separatist movement does not hesitate to form opportunistic alliances with various candidates, promising support and resources in exchange for positions in their favor. Rumors are circulating about secret meetings and tacit agreements, where the Polisario would offer its financial and logistical support in exchange for political promises. This strategy aims not only to gain direct support for their cause, but also to undermine Moroccan influence in Mauritania.

For Mauritanian voters, these maneuvers add an extra layer of complexity to an already tense campaign. The specter of the Polisario hovers over political debates, creating divisions and tensions among candidates and their supporters. Each candidate must navigate with caution, weighing the benefits of supporting the Polisario against the risks of losing the support of opponents of this movement.

The role of the media and public opinion

The Mauritanian media, often caught in the whirlwind of external influences, play a crucial role in this dynamic. Certain newspapers and television channels, suspected of bias, can become relays for Polisario propaganda, while others try to denounce this interference. Public opinion is also divided, between those who see the Polisario as a potential ally and those who denounce its harmful influence.

The Polisario’s interference in the Mauritanian presidential elections is not without consequences. If the movement manages to significantly influence the outcome, it could change the geopolitical situation in the region. A Mauritanian president favorable to the Polisario could, in fact, complicate relations with Morocco and impact regional stability.

The Polisario campaign within the presidential campaign in Mauritania perfectly illustrates how local political dynamics can be influenced by external actors with well-defined ambitions. This situation highlights the importance for Mauritanian voters to remain vigilant and informed, so that their choice truly reflects their national interests and not those of an external entity.



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