here are well-paid jobs without a diploma

here are well-paid jobs without a diploma
here are well-paid jobs without a diploma

While employment is currently stagnating in France, many professions give the right to attractive remuneration, without a prerequisite diploma. This is a profession often sidelined by society, which nevertheless allows access to an attractive salary.

These professions require, for the most part, short-term training or basic skills. Among them are physical professions, like that of plumber, accessible through a CAP. Some plumbing companies even offer to train their employees on the job themselves.

On average, an employed plumber receives 2,700 euros per month. The profession of baker is not left out, with a monthly salary that barely exceeds 3,000 euros after a few years of experience. Another profession without a diploma whose salary is close to the minimum wage is the job of garbage collector, which reaches a gross salary of 1,900 euros, which can increase with experience.

For those with a driving license, it is possible to become a truck driver, through training lasting just one month. This job gives the right to an average remuneration of 2,500 euros per month, but it is not suitable for people who are not able to drive at night or stay several days away from their family home.

For those who prefer flexibility, working as a freelance community manager is the best option. To exercise it, you just need to master IT tools, social networks and have knowledge of communication. A community manager receives around 1,600 to 2,000 euros per month at the start of their career and can reach, for competent and experienced professionals, up to 3,500 euros per month.

Jobs popular with women

Among the professions that pay well without a specific diploma is a profession chosen by women, namely that of childminder. Responsible for taking care of the feeding, education, supervision and safety of children, the childminder must demonstrate patience and kindness on a daily basis. This job, which is suitable for people who enjoy the company of children, allows you to receive up to 3,500 euros per month for the care of four children.

Another profession that women tend to choose and which pays well is the job of air hostess, which averages 1,800 euros at the start of their career, with the possibility of reaching up to 3 500 euros with experience. Finally, the job of nail technician, which requires short training and artistic flair, is paid around 1,800 euros at the start of your career. With experience and skills, the salary reaches 3,000 euros on average.



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