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2024 elections: a final poll confirms the prospect of a Black Sunday in Flanders

Vlaams Belang would become the first party in Flanders with 25.8%. This is what emerges from a survey carried out on Thursday by Het Laatste Nieuws and VTM Nieuws. The N-VA is on track to reach the 20% mark, while Vooruit would take third place with 15.6%.

Vlaams Belang held an electoral meeting on June 2 – BELGA

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By - with Belga

Published on 06/06/2024 at 6:57 p.m.

The Vlaams Belang, a far-right party, could convince more than a quarter of Flemish voters on Sunday. Even taking into account the margin of error, the N-VA does not exceed this figure. The Flemish nationalists follow in second place with 21% and would thus cross the psychologically important threshold of 20%.


Vooruit follows in third place with 15.6% of voters. The CD&V, also vying for this position, remains stuck at 12.3% and would not be able to overtake the Socialists based on this poll.

The PVDA follows in fourth position with 10.2%, almost doubling its 2019 result. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo’s Open VLD follows at a good distance, with 7%. Groen is the bottom red, managing to convince 6.1% of voters.

Vlaams Belang held an electoral meeting on June 2Vlaams Belang held an electoral meeting on June 2

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The number of undecided voters could, however, have a significant impact on Sunday’s results. They would still be 21%.

The “De Laatste Peiling” survey was carried out on Monday and Tuesday among 2,000 Flemish adults by the market research company Ipsos. The maximum margin of error is 2.2%.



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