SNCF: you can finally use your digital identity card on board

SNCF: you can finally use your digital identity card on board
SNCF: you can finally use your digital identity card on board

Although it came into force in 2022, the digital identity card was not yet valid on trains.

This digital proof is now authorized, according to Alain Krakovitch, director of TGV – Intercités.

The SNCF accepts (finally) that its users prove their identity with a dematerialized card. Alain Krakovitch, the company’s general director, confirmed vianow accepted to prove identity on board.

As the company’s boss explained on the social network, “attacks recently took place against our flight commanders, during identity checks.” “We are determined to put an end to this unacceptable violent behavior and to ensure the safety of our agents“, adds Alain Krakovitch.

To contribute to the end of this incivility, the latter reminds us that it is necessary to present “an approved proof of identity“, the ticket “being nominative.” “It is also possible to present a visual of your identity card on the France Identity application“, finally specifies Alain Krakovitch, thus putting an end to a controversy raised by several users. In particular one of them who, via the company that the dematerialized card now had legal value.

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The result of an interministerial program, France Identity is a mobile application available since 2022. It allows holders of the new national electronic identity card (CNIe), in credit card format and equipped with an electronic chip, to prove more easily their identity on the internet or during physical procedures, with the possibility of disclosing only certain information, for example to prove their majority.

France is one of the last European countries to have adopted the CNIe. Four and a half million of these cards have been distributed since the summer of 2021.




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