Sharp drop in the BRVM C and 30 indices this May 30, 2024.

Sharp drop in the BRVM C and 30 indices this May 30, 2024.
Sharp drop in the BRVM C and 30 indices this May 30, 2024.
The BRVM Composite index actually lost 1.55% (after -0.02% previously) to 222.57 points against 226.07 points the day before.

As for the BRVM 30 index, it also recorded a drop of 1.65% (after -0.01% the day before) to 111.55 points against 113.42 points previously.

The BRVM Prestige index is also down 0.50 (after +0.17% the day before) to 104.58 points against 105.11 points the day before.

These declines in the three flagship indices of the Stock Exchange follow the declines in all sectoral indices with the exception of the BRVM Industrie index (+0.12%), the BRVM Other sector index having remained stationary. The largest drop is recorded by the Public Services index (-3.06%) followed by the BRVM Agriculture indices (-1.79%), BRVM Transports (-0.67%), BRVM Distribution (-0.67% ) and BRVM Finance (-0.12%).

As for the value of these transactions, it stood at 1.018 billion FCFA compared to 1.028 billion FCFA on Wednesday May 29, 2024.

For its part, the market capitalization of the stock market recorded a drop of 130.341 billion, going from 8,410.374 billion FCFA the day before to 8,280.033 billion FCFA this Thursday, May 30, 2024.

That of the bond market, on the other hand, is up by 2.86 billion FCFA, standing at 10,293.099 billion FCFA against 10,290.239 billion FCFA on Wednesday May 29, 2024.

The Top 5 with the highest price increases is occupied respectively by the shares Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire (up 6.61% at 645 FCFA), NEI CEDA Côte d’Ivoire (up 5.63% at 845 FCFA), Servair Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire (plus 2.50% to 1,845 FCFA), Sucrivoire Côte d’Ivoire (plus 2.00% to 510 FCFA) and Unilever Côte d’Ivoire (plus 1.69% to 6,000 FCFA).

The Flop 5 with the biggest price drops is occupied by the securities Orange Côte d’Ivoire (minus 5.84% at 11,200 FCFA), BICI Côte d’Ivoire (minus 3.84% at 8,005 FCFA), Palm Côte d’Ivoire (minus 3.12% at 5,900 FCFA), Tractafric Motors Côte d’Ivoire (minus 1.96% at 2,255 FCFA) and SAPH Côte d’Ivoire (minus 1.84% at 2,400 FCFA).
Oumar Nourou



NEXT Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024