Corsican Assembly: too many tourists do not kill tourism, yes but out of season

Corsican Assembly: too many tourists do not kill tourism, yes but out of season
Corsican Assembly: too many tourists do not kill tourism, yes but out of season

The report on air transport flows was voted unanimously by the councilors of the Corsican assembly, but with reservations from the opposition.
For Gilles Simeoni, “an important step forward has been taken” under a calls a “sustainable tourism without torpedoing public services.” How? By boosting transport flows that is to say air routes operated by airlines for 4 years, outside the summer peak. In other words, before and after the season…

Six international lines (to Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom and two others in Italy) could be supported and double the number of passengers in the first year (from 132,000 to 280,000). Four so-called domestic lines (towards Bordeaux, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse) would experience an increase of 25% (from 323,000 to 400,000 passengers).

The Corsican community would publicly support the companies which respond to this call for tenders.
“We put the cart before the horse”warned the advisor Core in front Paul Quastana, while Christelle Combette, electedA Soffiu Novu ironically about this measure which marks the end of tourism as “necessary evil”, nationalist totem for 40 years. Finally, Jean-Christophe Angelinileader of Avanzemu also voted for the report and praised its pragmatism but noted that this report was at odds with the tourism policy pursued by the Corsican Community since 2015. Remarks which fueled an interminable three-hour debate which resulted in a unanimous vote…



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