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Digital recruitment: what it allows and what it prevents

Digital recruitment: what it allows and what it prevents
Digital recruitment: what it allows and what it prevents

Martine Gauderon Alec

founder of the recruitment firm Alec Allan et Associés

Published on September 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. / Modified on September 27, 2024 at 7:04 p.m.

Digital recruitment did not wait for the health crisis to gain the lion’s share among human resources specialists. The same goes for candidates who, willingly or unwillingly, follow the digitalization of recruitment processes.

Today, almost everything can be done online for hiring a new employee, without any physical interview. This digital transformation involves the use of job sites (jobboards), professional social networks like LinkedIn, sites that highlight the employer brand to attract as much talent as possible but also all digital tools such as candidate selection algorithms, electronic signature to sign an employment contract and sometimes even special software for the integration of new employees.

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