Swiss real estate company Ina Invest plans to merge with Cham Group

Swiss real estate company Ina Invest plans to merge with Cham Group
Swiss real estate company Ina Invest plans to merge with Cham Group

Swiss real estate company Ina Invest said Monday it is considering a merger with its counterpart Cham Group. If the negotiations are successful, shareholders of both companies will be able to vote on the plan in spring 2025.

Ina said the merger would be carried out as a merger of equals and that a corresponding letter of intent has been signed by the boards of directors of both companies.

Swiss construction and real estate company Implenia, which holds a stake of around 40% in Ina, said in a statement that it welcomed the discussions.

Discussions between Ina and Cham about the potential merger are in their early stages, Ina said.

“The potential merger would create one of Switzerland’s leading real estate companies, with a sustainable, high-quality portfolio in prime locations,” Ina added in a statement.

The two companies own investment properties and development projects in Basel, Cham, Geneva, Lausanne, Winterthur and Zurich, the statement said.

Their combined portfolio would have a residential share of more than 50% when completed, and the idea is to have the merged company listed on the SIX stock exchange, the statement added.



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