Book: project become reality for students at Vision school

Book: project become reality for students at Vision school
Book: project become reality for students at Vision school

It was the big day, Friday afternoon, for the 37 sixth grade students of teacher Marie-Pier Labbé from the Vision Victoriaville trilingual school. An important moment for the children who attended the launch of their work.

“We have been doing the project for four years and this is our third launch,” emphasized the teacher.

Parents, but also fifth grade students, were invited to attend the event. “I invited the fifth graders because we will most likely write a book together. I wanted them to taste it, to give them a taste,” confided Ms. Labbé.

The book is titled Get Us Out of Here and brings together two stories written by students from the two sixth grade groups. Stories called Mission to the Mall and Mission Below Zero.

The school’s director, Valérie Vézina, stressed that such a project cannot be carried out alone. “At the start,” she noted, “you need a passionate teacher and students who embark on this kind of adventure. I think you had the winning recipe to achieve a quality result. »

There are several steps that must be taken before you can hold a book in your hands, she said. “You need good ideas. You also have to have a vision, structure the texts, correct, revise, adjust, think about images, and so on. »

The book is the result of great team work, said the director. “Madame Labbé told me that you were exceptional throughout the process. You showed great open-mindedness and great participation. Everyone expressed themselves well,” said Valérie Vézina, while congratulating the young people for their efforts and their great accomplishment. “You can be proud of yourselves. Not all young people your age can boast of having written a book,” she finished by also thanking the teacher for leading this project which requires time and energy.

“Today is a great day,” Marie-Pier Labbé told her students. You will finally hold your book in your hands. Do you realize the great example of determination that you give to fifth grade students? »

The young writers, she mentioned, worked for several weeks to find interesting adventures to develop the characters.

“It hasn’t always been easy to compromise with your teammates,” she noted. Together, you took advantage of each other’s strengths to make the story even more thrilling. Readers will also be able to see how talented you are in drawing since you illustrated this book yourself. »

The teacher did not fail to emphasize the open-mindedness and professionalism of the editors Susy and Alain of the publishing house Les Carnets de Dame Plume. “Thank you also to the school for the funding and to Valérie Vézina who shares my enthusiasm. Not only does she support me, but she gives me suggestions,” she concluded.



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