Sophie de Mullenheim puts herself within reach of children

Sophie de Mullenheim puts herself within reach of children
Sophie de Mullenheim puts herself within reach of children

She is one of the 2024 winners of the Youth Historical Novel Prize. It’s already the third time – for her – at the Rendez-vous de l’histoire de . This year, Sophie de Mullenheim is celebrated for her work entitled Joséphine Baker, resist!

A highlight of her work that does not leave her indifferent: “ It’s important that my little children’s novels are selected in an event like this. This gives them real credibility. »

After studying business – because she wanted “working in book marketing” –Sophie de Mullenheim applies to a publishing house. And that’s where his destiny changed: “I came across a fabulous human resources director. Rather than doing marketing, she steered me toward editorial. »

A real work of a historian

Sophie de Mullenheim quickly developed a passion for writing, opting for children’s journalism through three magazines: Bouton d’or, Maximilian or even distant land. “These experiences allowed me to have a certain confidence. »

Writing children’s novels requires a lot of work. “The first question I ask myself is: what would I have liked to read at that age? Then, I do a lot of research on the theme: that’s what takes me the most time. »

In short, a real work of a historian! “History is a subject that has always interested me, even if I don’t remember dates”smiles the fifty-year-old.

And it was only afterwards that Sophie de Mullenheim started writing: “Writing must be done in short sentences, without writing short meaning… with less vocabulary. »

“You must immediately capture the child’s attention”

The author continues: “The most important thing for me are the first three chapters. You must immediately capture the child’s attention. I also try to have a little suspense at the end of each chapter. In summary, we can’t listen to ourselves write! »

Sophie de Mullenheim wrote about the character of Joséphine Baker (1906-1975) as the subject of her latest book. “I immersed myself in his life, and I discovered his past. » When the Second World War broke out, Joséphine joined the Resistance as an agent for the secret services of Free .

Its missions: to transmit confidential information, for example by hiding it in its musical scores! “I discovered lots of twists and turns in her past as a resistance fighter,” relates the author. A 170-page book that she will present at the Rendez-vous de l’histoire de Blois, Saturday October 12, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

to be continued

Saturday October 12

> 10 h-10 h 45, When we arrive in France – history of immigration, with Jean-Michel Billioud, author of “When we arrive in France – history of immigration” (Casterman). From 13 years old.

> 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., My city in green! Create your city! Workshop, Maison de la BD, with Sophie Rohrbach, illustrator of “Hari and Indira” (L’Élan vert). From 6 years old.

> 11 h 15-12 h 15, Telling the story in comics – the making of emotions, With Jean Bulot and Aurélie Luneau, authors of “The Libération – chronology and stories” (Gallimard jeunesse). From 13 years old

> 14 h-14 h 45, The pioneer animals of space, with Anne Pouget, author of “Laïka, cosmonaut dog” (Casterman). From 8 years old.

> 14 h 30-15 h 30, Letter from a furry man to his family, workshop, at the Maison de la BD, with Tristan Pichard, author of “Léon, 1916” (Octopus fictions). From 10 years old.

> 15 h-15 h 45, Josephine Baker, with Sophie de Mullenheim, author of “Josephine Baker, resist!” » (Fleurus). From 9 years old.

> 17 h 15-18 h 15, Resilience and injustice – the story of Martin Julius Crow JR, with Christophe Léon, author of “Missié” (Éditions d’eux). From 12 years old.

> 18 h 30-19 h 15, The history of female art in comics, with Marion Augustin, author of “The History of Feminine Art”, in comics (Casterman). From 10 years old.

Sunday October 13

> 10 h 15-11 h 15, Julius Caesar conquers Gaul,

with Xavier Mauduit, journalist and producer at France Culture and Olivier Blin, author of “Julius Caesar, the conquest of Gaul” (Actes Sud-Inrap editions). From 9 years old.

> 11 h 30-12 h 30, Travel to : experience the history of the capital from antiquity to the present day! with Yohan Dubigeon and Jean-Baptiste Dutoya, authors of “Paris through the ages” (La Martinière). From 8 years old.

> 14 h-15 h, Our funny Neanderthal cousins,

With Sylvie de Mathhuisieulx, author of “Mammoths in the Valley” (La Nuée bleue editions). From 10 years old.

> 15 h 15-16 h 15, When the street tells us stories,

with Alice Babin, author of “Rue Bilal-Balazar” (Albin Michel Jeunesse). From 5 years old.

> 16 h 30-17 h 30, Once upon a time in sport, with Xavier Mauduit, journalist and producer at France Culture and Valérie Delattre, author of “Once upon a time sport” (Actes Sud-Inrap editions). From 9 years old.

All meetings take place in the youth area of ​​the Book Fair unless otherwise indicated.



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