Who is Prospérine Cerisier, heroine of a teen thriller born in Moulins?

Who is Prospérine Cerisier, heroine of a teen thriller born in Moulins?
Who is Prospérine Cerisier, heroine of a teen thriller born in Moulins?

Moulinois author Jennifer Dalrymple has just given birth (again) to an endearing character. His adventure, “The Enigma of the Ruby”, a “teen thriller” published by the Parisian publishing house Scrinéo (€16.90, 317 p.), will be presented at the Coïncidence children’s bookstore, in Moulins, Saturday September 28 , from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 3 to 5 p.m.

Prospérine Cerisier is a teenager who lives at the end of the 19th century. She is at once candid, curious and passionate: “She is a modern young girl who dreams of being a doctor. But she doesn’t have that option. On the other hand, she has her “super powers”. She is empathetic, open, observant, does not cut society into pieces. She is without prejudice.”

Rediscover the history of

Prospérine is perfect to play a young budding investigator, in the topsy-turvy Paris of the Second Empire, between the immense construction sites, the “slums” of the time and the opulent apartments of the bourgeoisie.

Because there was a murder.

With the help of unexpected allies, hungry and covered in coal, Prosperine will not let an ideal culprit rot in prison.

Jennifer Dalrymple is particularly fond of the second half of the 19th century: “This era was an immense social and industrial upheaval. A modernization that did not happen simply.”

Through the eyes of the intrepid Prospérine, we discover Paris and an entire society in change. It’s also a time of possibilities.
Mathilde Duchatelle

A “magical” Italian-style thriller, written in Moulins



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