Late Sunday morning, firefighters were dispatched to Burey-en-Vaux to secure an uninhabited building that was collapsing.
Stones on the road
It was around 11:30 a.m. when a resident of Burey-en-Vaux heard a loud noise and noticed the collapse of a hangar located at the northern exit of Burey-en-Vaux, along the D 964, just opposite the building of the former “La grande Jeanne” summer camp.
At the same time, a passing motorist stopped when he noticed the presence of stones on the road.
Both alerted Dominique Caumirey, mayor of the village. She immediately went to the scene and notified the police. The latter were on patrol in the area and therefore arrived very quickly.
Firefighters were called with the large ladder to try to secure the area, since the building was located immediately on the edge of the road.
The ADA services were also notified.
Alternating circulation was put in place during the intervention of the firefighters, who, using their large ladder, collapsed the unstable and dangerous structural elements towards the interior.
Public lighting on all night
Given the dilapidated condition of the building, belonging to a couple from the village, a municipal emergency order was issued and rapid intervention to dismantle the building seemed inevitable.
As a safety measure, the town of Burey-en-Vaux has taken the initiative of leaving public lighting on all night, while alternating traffic is maintained.
Caution is therefore essential for motorists.