Saint-Honoré-Paris uses 3D wood printing for eco-responsible and customizable fashion

Saint-Honoré-Paris uses 3D wood printing for eco-responsible and customizable fashion
Saint-Honoré-Paris uses 3D wood printing for eco-responsible and customizable fashion

3D printing is expanding its influence in many fields, from automobiles to medicine, and even fashion, pushing the boundaries of creativity and manufacturing. Among the materials explored for this technology, wood, traditionally associated with craftsmanship, is being reinvented thanks to advances in 3D printing, opening the way to new creations. At the heart of this evolution, the French company Saint-Honoré-Paris stands out for its expertise. Specializing in the design and production of window displays for fashion and luxury brands, it has been able to exploit the possibilities offered by 3D printing of wood.

This alliance between tradition and innovation offers presentation solutions that are aesthetic, functional and environmentally friendly. From the selection of materials to the handling of 3D printers, Saint-Honoré-Paris oversees every step of the process. Based in Paris and Libourne, near Bordeaux where it has its forests and production units, the company marked a decisive turning point in 2022 with its first 3D prints of final wooden parts. Since then, Saint-Honoré-Paris displays, whether window mannequins, displays or even decorations, have conquered global brands, finding their place in the windows of the most prestigious boutiques.

Saint-Honoré-Paris: eco-responsible fashion

Behind the scenes of Saint-Honoré-Paris lies a precious asset: its own forest estate of more than 30 ha located in Gironde. This natural wealth is the basis of an exclusive range of wooden displays. What sets Saint-Honoré-paris apart is its commitment to ecological innovation. At the forefront of this initiative is the filament called BOISNORÉ®. Made from exclusively plant-based materials, including wood flour from the company’s forestry, and free of chemicals, this filament embodies the company’s sustainable vision. Indeed, Geoffrey Delpy, CEO of Saint-Honoré-Paris, explains: “A few years ago, we invented and developed an innovative 3D printing process, using wood from our own forests as raw material. A concept where we master 3D wood printing but above all the production of the raw material – wood – in the purest tradition.” An approach which shows the company’s desire to reconcile creativity and respect for the environment, thus offering its customers unique and sustainable products. BOISNORÉ® represents a perfect model of circular economy, where each stage of the production process is scrupulously orchestrated by Saint-Honoré-Paris.

This innovative project begins on the Saint-Honoré estate itself, where trees that have fallen naturally, often following storms, are harvested in an ecological manner. The collection of these trees is done in the traditional way, using draft horses carefully trained by Saint-Honoré-Paris. Once the fallen trees are collected, they are turned into wood flour. This flour, obtained from maritime pine, is then mixed with a biosourced corn starch polymer to produce an innovative and biodegradable filament. This filament is designed specifically for use in FFF 3D printers used by BOISNORÉ®. This unique combination of materials combines the heritage of traditional agriculture with modern technological advances, providing a sustainable solution. Geoffrey Deply explains: “Our main objective is to offer our customers a truly eco-responsible material. Our forest estate and 3D printing farm are both located near Bordeaux, allowing us to produce all of our 3D printed wooden displays within a radius of just 7 km. Additionally, our BOISNORÉ® material offers all the benefits of PLA, with the addition of wood which makes it an even more sustainable option. It is biodegradable under industrial conditions and represents a virtuous solution for the environment. »

Geoffrey Delpy, CEO of Saint-Honoré-Paris, with Lou, one of the company’s three workhorses.

Custom-made displays

3D printing therefore offers new life to the creation of displays and window mannequins for fashion and luxury brands. This technology makes it possible to design unique, customizable, light and resistant parts, at lower cost and within reduced lead times. Offering unlimited design freedom, it allows the creation of complex and daring structures, using noble materials such as BOINORÉ wood. Brands can now design custom displays that perfectly reflect the brand image. The CEO of Saint-Honoré-Paris adds: “Our goal is to make displays that have a story to tell. 3D printing allows us to create unique, personalized parts that reflect our customers’ identities, are aesthetically pleasing and usable straight off the machine. »

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