Claude Deffes exhibits at the Salle des Granges until Tuesday December 31. Encounter.
What led you to work with veneer wood?
“My late university studies allowed me to attain the rank of certified plastic arts teacher in 2005, a few years before my retirement. I discovered veneer wood during training while making a chessboard. During At an exhibition at the Espace Ecureuil in Toulouse, I met Pierre Soulages who was exhibiting, among other things, works made with walnut husk on mounted paper. I was so interested that I made 2 copies. , chance led me to recover a large stock of veneer wood which was going to be burned in a shed of the old Dinguidard factory in Marciac where I live.
How did you use this wood to create your paintings?
“Certain species have a veining and a color close to walnut, this is how I created paintings in the spirit of those of Soulages. Then, I sought to diversify the abstract and figurative subjects by using only natural wood without no dyeing. This constraint involves significant research work in the stock to find the right veining and the right color, etc. Defects, accidents or even woodworm galleries can be of plastic interest.
Towards new meetings until December 31?
“I exhibited for the first time in September at the Bassoues dungeon and afterwards, I am very happy to present my paintings in these magnificent rooms of the Granges”.