A Sétoise at the Élysée, the generous gesture of Demi Portion… the sea spray and storms of the week

A Sétoise at the Élysée, the generous gesture of Demi Portion… the sea spray and storms of the week
A Sétoise at the Élysée, the generous gesture of Demi Portion… the sea spray and storms of the week

Little sentences, offbeat, brief information and other echoes of the city… Find the sea spray and waves of the Sète week.

A Sétoise at the Élysée

As part of the ceremonies and other receptions organized for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, a large evening took place with American President Joe Biden, at the Élysée Palace. The Sétoise Fiji Simo was one of the guests, she who has a foot in each country with her company Instacart after having long been number 2 at Facebook.

Françoise Hardy had passed through Sète

The death of François Hardy this week revived memories of the son of the programmer at the time. The singer sang in Sète as part of the Cheminots festival. She performed on stage in the station car park on August 3, 1963 and shared the bill with Richard Anthony.

Half Portion will give its stamp to Palestinian children

He announced it this week on his networks. The Sétois rapper Demi Portion decided to “give my entire half-festival fee, even if it’s not much, to the children of Palestine. […] If I can support on my scale at the moment. Prove that we can obviously help each other for a better world.”

A new film festival is coming to Sète

The Sète association In the mood for films has announced the upcoming arrival of CréaTVty, a new festival of audiovisual creations. The latter will take place from October 9 to 12 in several legendary places in the city. On the program for this new festival supported by several television media, an opening evening at the conservatory on the first day, before the screening of a feature film to high school students, preview films and series and various forums at the as the days pass.

Also note a competition for animated short films on October 11 at the Molière theater and a closing ceremony on the last day with an awards ceremony for the best music, the best screenplay and the best animated and short films. fiction. A public prize will also be awarded.



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