these bitter messages sent to Alain Delon for Father’s Day

There fathers Day can be an opportunity to reconcile with a loved one. But it’s also a good time to really express what you think. This is actually what he did Anthony Delon. Through social networks, he took the opportunity to send rather bitter messages to his father, Alain Delon.

THE relationships were never easy between the two men. It must be said that the son of the French cinema star was a teenager to say the least turbulent. At the time, he gave his parents a hard time, even getting expelled from several schools. The one who will celebrate his 60th birthday next September has also ended up
pension and stopped studying at 17.

Relations were complicated between Alain and Anthony Delon

Over time he remained a man rebel, marked by this difficult childhood. His relationship with his father was often conflicting. And the former car racer did not hesitate to remind him. This is how in June 2020, on the occasion of Father’s Day, he posted a publication on Instagram in which he tried to convey a message.

The published photo was “A superb shot
in black and white from the very end of the sixties, showing him, aged around five, in the arms of the Samurai star and giving him a hug.”,
as the magazine reported at the time Télé2weeks. A priori, he wanted to make tribute to Alain Delon. But in the caption, he had expressed his
feeling about their relationship.

photo credit: Shutterstock
Anthony Delon and Sveva Alviti

On the occasion of Father’s Day, Anthony Delon sends a message to Alain Delon

“It’s sometimes difficult to be a father“, wrote Anthony Delon. Before continuing: but it’s not always easy to be your father’s son or daughter either.” An allusion to the difficulty he had being the child of a star who did not always have time to devote to his son. He also added a few hashtags which say more about his bitterness: What you give“, “What you get”, “Sometimes everything becomes cold inside“.

Internet users who follow the one who shares the life of actress Sveva Alviti did not fail to comment on his comments. “You’re lucky to still have yours. Enjoy this
chance to talk to him and spend as much time with him.”,
a user of the social network advised her. Before adding: “You have both acquired a lot of
wisdom with your intelligence and understanding. We must go towards each other and forget
pride and other useless feelings…”

The battle rages between Anthony Delon and his sister

If the relationship between Anthony Delon and his father has not always been good, it is much worse regarding the actor’s children. For many months, these have been
tear by interposed press. In question, Anouchka Delon’s desire to repatriate her father in Switzerland where she lives. A decision that is not to the taste of his brothers who accuse him of wanting to appropriate
the inheritance.

photo credit: Shutterstock
Anthony Delon

This Friday June 14, the magazine Here is revealed that a new argument had broken out in the 88-year-old actor’s home in Douchy in Loiret. “On May 30, Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon decided to move their sister’s belongings.”, as the magazine tells it. Hearing the news, the latter disembarked
on the spot. There followed a violent altercation
which required the intervention of bodyguards
present on site.

