Axel supports Djebril and talks about “favoritism” at Star Academy

Photo credits: Bestimage

Tongues are being loosened around the “Star Academy” tour. While the alleged low fees of the students are controversial, Julien pointed out the pace “ trying ” concerts : ” After an adventure as big as “Star Academy”, it’s complicated to follow up with another like the tour. More than 75 dates in four months, it’s stratospheric! Physically, we pull hard on the rope “. A few days ago, it was Djebril who made a remarkable outing. On Instagram, the academician believes he was the victim of discrimination during the adventure. “ Not all artists are in the same boat » he said, two days after the big concert at Bercy: “ I didn’t feel respected as a person or as an artist (…) The truth is that I never had the space or the consideration to be able to show what I was really capable of before the tour. I have never had a place to blossom completely and more freely than on this tour “. An unexpected message in the face of which he received the support of Candice and Axel, the latter also promising to reveal the truth “ when the time is right “.

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“Candice has experienced similar things”

But what is it really? While he has just released his new single “For the First Time”, Axel believes that there was indeed favoritism during season 11. “ I saw him during the show. Yes, at times there were candidates who were perhaps favored, but especially some who were disadvantaged » he reveals in the columns of the Belgian media Ciné Télé Revue : “ I think we have favoritism and a lot of “disfavoritism”. I don’t know if that’s being said. Not during the whole show, at certain points “. The singer from Saint-Mammès thinks that Djebril felt the need to say what was on his heart: “ Our connection with the tour was over and I think he needed to talk to feel better, to explain to people how he lived and saw things. He had to say it “.

Buy your tickets for the “Star Academy” tour !

“It’s our duty to talk about it”

Axel adds that he gives his full support to Djebril, just like Candice. “ Candice has seen and experienced a lot of similar things, I think. In any case, this is my opinion, I can only defend them and give them my support » estimates the 24-year-old artist, who wishes to be alongside his comrades: “ And the day they want to say more, I will be there to support them, and to tell them what I saw, etc. For the moment, the time has not yet come, but if they want to further develop the feelings they may have had, etc. “. And he reveals that he was also “ disadvantaged » during the adventure: “ It’s part of the show, it’s a TV game where the goal is for the show to work. (…) But here it is, I think that when there are things that are not nice, not necessarily cool, then it is our duty to talk about it so that the next ones do not experience the same thing. And beyond that, if there are deeper problems, it’s important for us to defend ourselves to find the respect we deserve to have as humans and that’s exactly what Djebril did “. The message has gotten through!

