“He was pulling his face”: Natacha Amal reveals the origin of her quarrel with Pierre Arditi

“He was pulling his face”: Natacha Amal reveals the origin of her quarrel with Pierre Arditi
“He was pulling his face”: Natacha Amal reveals the origin of her quarrel with Pierre Arditi

Every day, Jordan, the scoop specialist, receives guests from the world of entertainment, cinema, media, or politics on his show. And none can resist the magical powers of the celebrity journalist. Sitting opposite him on the C8 set, they all start talking.

Tragic confidences about a violent ex, complex love life, secret singer with whom she was in a relationship, her relationship with Jean-Édouard de Secret Story, and moving confidences about her father, Natacha Amal was no exception to the rule. During the famous “cash questions” sequence, the Belgian actress mainly known for having played the prosecutor Élizabeth Brochene in the series Women of lawon TF1, from 2000 to 2009, also spoke about her quarrel with Pierre Arditi.

“He didn’t accept that a little brat told him…”

Between Natacha Amal and Pierre Arditi, the two antagonists of this story, the difference took place many years ago. As the 55-year-old actress recounted, she stood on a film set. “He was someone with whom I had filmed, a great man of cinema and who did not accept that a little brat told him…” she began to tell.

Taken by a burst of embarrassed laughter at the mention of her own story, Natasha Amal recovered, and continued. To recount the scene, she imitated a somewhat boastful Pierre Arditi, adopting grand speeches and a pontificating posture. “I don’t think I told him, ‘Shut up,’ but I at least said, ‘Okay, it’s okay, let’s talk about something else!’ » she remembered.

“He said to me, ‘Mademoiselle, when you have had the career I have…’

“Sometimes it just went away on its own! » said the actress about her propensity to say out loud what others are thinking. At the time, her casting director, “a spiritual mother”, nevertheless supported her and even went further by saying: “Yes, it’s true Pierre, what you’re saying is still boring! » Comments which seriously irritated the person concerned. Wounded in his pride, the patriarch of the theater stage “pulled his mouth”. “Afterward, when we asked him to go take the photo together, he told me, ‘Listen, miss, when you have had the career I have had, you can afford to say what you said! »

“Oh no really, I think I made some blunders when I started my career, but then monumental blunders, that’s my Brussels side, ohlala! » Natacha Amal had fun.



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