Miss France: Sylvie Tellier swings at Cindy Fabre and her low blow

Miss France: Sylvie Tellier swings at Cindy Fabre and her low blow
Miss France: Sylvie Tellier swings at Cindy Fabre and her low blow

When his book was released Crown and prejudice, Sylvie Tellier had warned: the whole truth would be revealed. And the former Miss France did not lie. Since the publication of his work, the revelations have continued. And everyone goes through it. The latest to be targeted by Sylvie Tellier: her successor as director of the Miss France company, Cindy Fabre.

Since the transfer of power between the two women in August 2022, the atmosphere has been far from good. A small incident also ignited the powder during the last edition of Miss France. A story of greetings on which versions differ.

“I am simply saying that contrary to what I saw in the press, I said hello to Cindy Fabre on stage even though she had not greeted me backstage”says Sylvie Tellier today in her book.

Cindy Fabre “unfollowed” Sylvie Tellier, a small detail that bothers

And another small detail ended up burying the relationship between the two former Misses. “She even stopped following me on Instagram. We are in the kindergarten playground…”judges Miss France 2002.

An “unfollow” that says a lot. Sylvie Tellier also adds with Current wife that she also chose to stop following Cindy Fabre on social networks. “Maybe she needed to cut off relations with me to breathe new life into the competition. I write it with humor in the book, I noticed that she had “unfollowed” me on social networks. I didn’t know what that meant so I was also advised to “unfollow” her.she explains.

That she doesn’t want the two of us to be in contact, I respect that. Now I have my life, I do my way, she does hers, that doesn’t bother me.

Sylvie Tellier

A book that causes a stir

Yet another tumultuous relationship for Sylvie Tellier. In her book, the Miss does not only have Cindy Fabre as a target. She admits that the Valérie Bègue affair was an ordeal for her. “In two decades, few events have really undermined me like this scandal”she writes.

But the biggest attacks in the book are surely aimed at his half-sister Delphine and her husband Jean-Pascal Lacoste. Sylvie Tellier thus regrets the repeated attacks of her brother-in-law against her after she refused him access to her second marriage. The couple preferred to respond first with humor. Before Delphine becomes more explicit.

“Some time ago, I made a story where I said that I wanted to stop talking about all that because I deeply and sincerely wanted things to calm down, to calm down. I wanted to be associated with her more. Magnifying glass “she wrote on Instagram.

“In the family circle, Sylvie was brought out to me as being an honest, extraordinary woman, to whom no one came close and that Jean-Pascal was a deceitful, manipulative man, without shame in insulting. […] To see that she talks about it in her book, I admit that I don’t understand, especially since she herself says that she doesn’t know him.”, added Delphine Tellier. One thing is certain: if not making friends, Sylvie Tellier will have succeeded in creating a buzz with her book.



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