Rapper Fedez, ex of Chiara Ferragni, settles his scores

Chiara Ferragni and Fedez in Milan, May 2023. Image: mondadori portfolio editorial


Since their separation at the start of the year, Italy’s most famous couple continues to be in the spotlight. It is Fedez, in particular, who attracts attention due to behaviors that continue to get people talking. The latest news? The release of a song that talks about his future ex-wife… and not in a good way. In short, it’s a mess. Shall we summarize?

04.06.2024, 12:0504.06.2024, 16:22

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Chiara Ferragni and Fedez, real name Federico Leonardo Lucia, have long been the equivalent of a royal couple in Italy. Until the tipping point, at the end of 2023, caused by a scandal which tainted this immaculate family portrait. Remember: in 2022, Chiara puts her name on a limited edition of Pandori, Italian Christmas cakes. More than a million euros for sick children at the Regina Margherita hospital were collected, but nothing was donated.

Shortly after this affair, which resulted in the fall of one of the most famous influencers in the world, separation rumors began to circulate. They will quickly be confirmed: at the beginning of 2024, Chiara Ferragni and Fedez end their relationship, after more than 7 years of living together, two children, Leone, 6 years old, and Vittoria, 3 years old, thus drawing a line under a love that will have made people dream beyond the borders of Italy.

If Chiara has been more discreet since this complicated period, her future ex-husband, on the other hand, is freewheeling. He does not hesitate to give his opinion on the Pandoro scandal on Italian television, has just released a song whose lyrics are far from being tender with the mother of his children and is even involved in a fight story. At the end of May, he was also seen in Monaco hand in hand with a French model, Garance Authié, born in 2004. Rumors concerning their romance had already been circulating for several months.

Summary of a stormy start to the year.

“It’s not a Shakira thing”

Let’s start with the latest information, the release this Friday, May 31 of the new title by Fedez and Emis Killa, Sexy Shop. Midway through last week, the rapper posted a photo on Instagram with the text: “Sexy Shop available Friday. Like an intuition, Internet users were skeptical and had sensed confusion even before hearing the first notes of the music. They were right. A little preview of the lyrics:

“You were like a jackpot in the slot machines, and then you knocked me out You say I’m a bastard. But for you I don’t change

Fedez and Emis Killa, Sexy Shop

“For each of your friends thirsting for glory, you were a Source of water. Fairy hands, I touched you and you withered”

“A life of ups and downs, a never-ending story that has ended. Why hurt yourself?”

The singer’s alleged new companion, Garance Authié, also published a TikTok video in which she dances to the song, which generated many negative comments.

Following the release of Sexy Shop, Fedez quickly defended himself and assured that his intention was not “to throw shit” at the mother of his children. “Of course, the same is not true of those around him. I have and will have no pity,” he declared to La Stampa. He acknowledges that “what he wrote is a little mean, but not inelegant.” And to continue:

“I tell a part of my life, but it’s not a Shakira thing”

If doubt benefits the accused, it is difficult not to notice that the sound of a specific part of Sexy shop – some lyrics are even in Spanish – sounds like two drops of water to BZRP Music Sessions #53 by Shakira, a title in which the singer shoots live ammunition at her ex, footballer Gerard Piqué, and his new girlfriend. Coincidences? Your turn to judge.

In the middle of a fight?

This is, however, not the first time that Fedez has acted up since the start of 2024. On April 21 in Milan, according to several Italian media including the Corriere della Serathe rapper would have been at the heart of a fight.

What happened? According to the images from the surveillance video – blurry and unclear, which do not allow the protagonists to be clearly distinguished – and the testimonies of the security guards present on site, Chiara Ferragni’s ex and several friends of his would have gone to the house of a famous sports coach, Cristiano Iovino, and allegedly attacked him. Earlier in the evening, an argument broke out between the two men in a private room of a Milanese club, the report further specifies. Corriere della Sera.

No complaint was filed and Fedez denied the accusations during a public appearance at the Turin Book Fair. The Milan public prosecutor’s office still opened an investigation into brawl and assault. The lawyers of the rapper and Cristiano Iovino would, however, have agreed to a financial agreement in order to avoid filing a complaint, relays the Italian daily.

At the end of May, the Rai announced that Fedez would no longer participate in the new program The weather is normal. The reason given by the channel? The rapper’s health problems – as a reminder, in March 2022, he underwent surgery for a pancreatic tumor and in September 2023, he underwent another operation due to two ulcers. However, some media suspect that this decision was made following this fight affair. An allegation denied by the Rai.

“Chiara made a mistake”

A little earlier in April, the 9th to be precise, it’s an interview at the Rai who will have made people talk.

For almost an hour, Fedez talks to journalist Francesca Fagnani in the show Belve. He returns to the reasons for his breakup with Chiara Ferragni as well as the scandal which tarnished the reputation of his future ex-wife. He assures that this event is not the cause of the separation, but does not hesitate to give his opinion on the way in which the mother of his children handled the situation:

“Has the Pandori case had an impact on our crisis? Yes. I find out about this when it comes out… I hate the fact that I didn’t take the news well. I too have a foundation, which has been checked from head to toe. Thin! You discover that a deal was handled this way, you say to yourself shit, how is such a thing possible? Then, little by little, you try to reconstruct the facts, to understand.”

Fedez on the show Belve

He goes on to insist that he wanted to defend his wife “in this descent”, but highlights the difficulty of receiving a lot of criticism “for a mistake” that he “did not make”. And to add:

“I would have handled this situation differently, probably worse, and I would have made a big mess, but I would have defended myself immediately, I would have explained, I would have done things completely differently.”

During this interview, Fedez is moved to tears when he recalls that Chiara will always be the mother of his children and the most important woman in his life, and assures that he is not there “to wash his dirty laundry in public”. A statement which contradicts the release of his new single.

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