Pierre Garnier: an allusion to Héléna live? The singer makes a strong statement in Quotidien

Pierre Garnier: an allusion to Héléna live? The singer makes a strong statement in Quotidien
Pierre Garnier: an allusion to Héléna live? The singer makes a strong statement in Quotidien

At 22, Pierre Garnier saw his life change completely. Indeed, the big winner of the last edition of the Star Academy will release his very first album on June 7, called Each second. On this occasion, the singer was present on the set of Quotidien, this Monday June 3, 2024.

And of course, he was questioned about the common thread of his opus, who is love, which for Pierre Garnier is linked to friendship. “Love and friendship are a bit the same. I love my friends almost as much as I love”he said before adding: “male-female friendship is often frowned upon, if you spend all your time with a woman that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily in a relationship”.

Does Pierre Garnier wink at Héléna?

A statement that immediately made people think of his relationship with Helena in the Star Academy castle. Indeed, for many weeks, the two candidates gave the impression of circling each other. However, no physical rapprochement had been filmed.

And for Héléna, Pierre was just a friend. Feelings that have evolved since then? We won’t know more. But for the winner of the Star Academy revealing your feelings is not easy. “So that’s a problem I’ve had for a very long time! It has improved a little, especially thanks to the show, I am learning to open up, but I struggle to express through words what I feel, if I am upset…”he told our colleagues at Télé 7 jours.

Her touching confidences about her love life

And this silence had consequences both on his love life and his connections with others. “I have always had difficulty putting words to my feelings, whether in my romantic relationships, friendships or with family, I don’t know how to do it, it doesn’t come out. So, it comes through music. C “is simpler for me”, he continued.

But for the young singer, the fact of having been so exposed during the Star Academy allowed him to confide a little more, especially in song. “They will discover other facets of the Pierre they know”he concluded.



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